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Beyond: Living Unshakable預覽

Beyond: Living Unshakable


We become unshakable when we have a sense of purpose, and understand the calling God has placed on our lives. This can often be a challenge for folks to discover. When we view the platforms around us, it can be easy to believe we must be in the public eye to some degree. If we take a simple look at Scripture, this may not be the case. Sure, for some, a more public platform may be in the future. However, for many others, simply living out God’s word may suffice.

We may begin to live one, a few, or all ten of the callings identified in Scripture. The scriptural callings listed here are certainly not exhaustive. You are encouraged to seek God beyond your current understanding of calling and into the realm of His truth.

1. Love God

2. Love Others

3. Seek first His Kingdom

4. Pray His Kingdom Come

5. Do not quench Holy Spirit

6. Contend from Victory

7. Be an Ambassador for Christ

8. Go into all the earth

9. Invest gifts and talents

10. Love one another

Today, sit with the Lord and allow Him to search your heart for a moment. Be encouraged to ask:

Lord, how might You be leading me to respond to Your various callings?

Lord, would You share with me the step You would like me to take, today, to walk in Your calling?

With God’s grace and Holy Spirit leading, resolve to grow beyond comfort zones and live unshakable by determining to be more intentional about living more fully in all God has called you to.

Prayer: Father, help me to respond to the calling You have for my life. Father, thank You for making it clear You do have a calling for my life. I can begin to live Your design for my life, today. Lord, I trust Your Holy Spirit to make it probable for me to answer the call to love You and love others. God, I ask for an increase of faith and desire to seek Your Kingdom above all else. I trust Your Kingdom of peace, joy and righteousness (see Romans 14:17) will be established in my life. Holy Spirit, I seek to not quench You, trusting You help me contend from a place of victory as an ambassador for Christ. Jesus, send me. Move me to invest my God-given talents into all the world and the family of God You have called me to love. In Jesus’s Name I ask and receive, amen.

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Beyond: Living Unshakable

It’s time to go beyond theory and live unshakable! When you are intentional about loving God, reading scripture, praying, following Holy Spirit’s lead, living in God’s calling, and stewarding well your body, your personal foundation is solid. Privately unshakable, you will better love others, radiate Christ, and change atmospheres influenced by darkness. Breaking beyond comfort zones, resting in Jesus, you will build His unshakable Kingdom and live an unshakable life!

