Reunion Weekend預覽
![Reunion Weekend](/_next/image?
Trust God’s Timing
In life, as believers, we need to learn to trust in God’s timing and plan. For some reason, God has chosen us to live in this time in history. Every year that goes by there is a new story for us to tell our kids, our grandkids, our great-grandkids in the years to come. “Oh, yeah. I remember that year; it was the year when this thing happened in the world.”
We will tell them of all the good things and all of the bad things that happened the years before. We will tell them, “This was the worst year; this was the best year.” We will share the stories of the years we have lived. God has chosen us to live in the midst of wars, pandemics, natural disasters, and chaos to shine with the light of Christ. In the same way, God chose for all the people in Acts 2 to come together and be one in Christ.
Acts 2:1 says, “When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place.”
They were all together in one heart. We will never all look alike, be the same height, have the same experiences or the same possessions, but we can be one in heart in Jesus Christ. God has chosen different people, in this moment and in this time, for us to be one in Christ. This is why we need to trust God’s timing and plan. God has us here for this moment. We are here and God’s power comes in His timing.
Maybe many of those who were there on the day of Pentecost wished for the Holy Spirit to come on day 30 or 40, but God’s timing was for day 50! We must learn to trust God’s timing and the plan of God. Acts 2:2 says, “And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” What does wind symbolize? It symbolizes a power that is unseen. We do not see the wind, but we see the effects of it. All through Scripture we see that wind and spirit are used interchangeably. So, the Holy Spirit is coming, the wind of the Spirit.
Verses 3 and 4 talk about tongues of fire and the Holy Spirit. What does fire symbolize in the Bible? It symbolizes purity and God’s presence. The power and presence of the Spirit of God were moving right there, on Pentecost, as the Church was born. So, as the Church is being reborn during this pandemic, we need to trust in God’s timing and plan for the power of the Holy Spirit to purify us so that we can live as followers of Christ. God has chosen this day, this moment, and this spot for the rebirth of the Church.
God is rallying His people. God wants His people together, the Church together. The blood of Christ is what brings unity, not the color of our skin or where we come from.
![Reunion Weekend](/_next/image?
On Reunion Weekend, we celebrate Pentecost and the birth of the Church. As the disciples trusted and waited for the promise of the Father, we too need to trust in God’s timing and His plan. Lean in to Him, let Him speak directly to your heart, and then go out into the world to share his magnificent acts with others.