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Promises & Prayers to Help You Pray for & With Your Children預覽

Promises & Prayers to Help You Pray for & With Your Children


Nothing Is Impossible

There is no limit to what our children can do when they live submitted to the Spirit of God. The same Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead lives in us and in our children, flowing through us to alter to course of history for His name’s sake. Think about young David when he faced the giant Goliath. David’s survival seemed impossible in the face of such odds, yet God gave him such a victory that he has been known as a giant-killer ever since. Our children can become giant-killers, too, as we raise them to know God’s nature and power.

Think about young Mary and the seemingly impossible situation she faced. In the gospel of Luke, an angel of the Lord told her that she would give birth to the Son of God. Still a virgin and unsure how that could happen, Mary questioned the angel. The angel responded with the powerful statement that nothing is impossible with God.

God inhabits the vast realm of impossibility. Every other created thing has limits. But through His Son, God has given Himself to us as an inheritance. By our faith in Him, we have access to that heavenly reality where nothing is impossible. Jesus told us it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains. Sometimes parenting well can feel like moving a mountain, but all our prayers and efforts are worth it when we see our children grow into a generation of giant-killers who change their world for the Kingdom of God.

Children raised with the Kingdom mindset that nothing is impossible with God will be able to look at any problem—in their personal lives, their city, their nation, or the world—and know that God has a solution. They will also know that the One with all the solutions lives inside them, so they can bring the power and creativity of heaven into any and every situation they will ever face.

God wants to use His kids to help make “on earth as it is in heaven” a reality. Knowing this, we and the young giant-killers we are raising can step out in faith in the face of this world’s poverty, brokenness, disease, or pain and take the risks necessary to see heaven invade every situation for the glory of God. Nothing is impossible for us or our children with Him!

I am so grateful, God, that in our own strength we don’t have to do the things You have called us to do. Lord, help me build in ___ an awareness of Your heart to restore the world to Yourself, as well as Your empowerment to use ___ to invade every impossible situation. Holy Spirit, give me the wisdom to know how to build ___’s faith as we encounter situations that cry out for an invasion of Your Kingdom.

For Time with Your Child

Ask: What would you try to change about the world if you knew that you would be successful?

Pray: God, help me see that nothing is impossible with You. I know that You can do anything, but I want to understand in my heart that I can do anything when I’m doing it with You.

Declare: With God, nothing is impossible for me!

Do: Decide on one area of “impossibility” in your family, your city, or the world and pray together for God’s power to invade that area.

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Promises & Prayers to Help You Pray for & With Your Children

Parents have the privilege and responsibility of partnering with God to release the divine destinies of their children. Biblical wisdom, God’s promises and the passionate prayers of loving caretakers are powerful change agents in the lives of these children. This reading plan will provide wisdom, strength and encouragement so you can express God’s heart for your children by praying daily for and with them. Reading Plan Length: 5 days

