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Is Jesus Your Best Friend?預覽

Is Jesus Your Best Friend?


Praying for your friends

When Job is struggling with his suffering and is desperately questioning why God let all this happen, his friends are of no help. They come with general, theoretical answers about God’s response to sinful behavior, without really paying attention to Job’s defense that he has not committed any sin. They judge him unjustly: “Is not your evil abundant? There is no end to your iniquities … Therefore snares are all around you, and sudden terror overwhelms you” (Job 22:5,10).

God blames them for their harsh words and heartless attitude. He says: “My anger burns against you and against your two friends, for you have not spoken of me what is right.” But then something special happens. Job prays for his friends, and God accepts his prayer. He does not punish the friends, but forgives them.

Job has been utterly frustrated with his friends: “miserable comforters are you all”! But he nevertheless proves a faithful friend. He intercedes for them in prayer, asking God for forgiveness of the wrong they did him.

Do you pray for your friends, even when they have treated you badly?

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Is Jesus Your Best Friend?

Real friendship is precious, both in times of trouble and in times of joy. The Bible offers several examples and gives advice on how to be a good friend. And most important: God Himself offers us friendship! Jesus even gave his life for his friends, so that they would have eternal life. Read more about friendship in this Reading Plan, and discover how you can become a friend of God!

