Who God Is? 預覽

God Is Eternal and My Comforter
Time defines anything in this world. We are born on a particular day and die on a particular day. This defines how long we have lived. There are manufactured dates, expiry date, etc.
Now, if time had limits, then there is a beginning and an end. Man has never been able to come to a conclusion on when time began, neither can he predict when it would end. When one of my friends was not paid their monthly salary because of recession, managing their home became difficult.
One month became two, three, six and nine months and before we knew we were counting years. At that time finding another job was next to impossible. If running their house for them was a challenge, for me praying for them became a challenge. What do you pray for and it seemed our prayers were not answered.
It was at that time God taught me saying a man lives, say, for 80 years. If in the 80 years for 3 years he has severe financial difficulty, it doesn’t take away the 77 years of financial stability. How they handle the 3 years would impact the way they would have to live the following years.
In the same way when I take the timeline of this world, the 80 years becomes just a dot, but how I live in this dot determines where I would be after I die. As Christians we believe in a new heaven and a new earth which would be flawless like the garden of Eden, and entry is granted only if we have lived our life on earth pleasing to God. Else we will find ourselves in the torrid place called hell.
In all this only our time on earth has a beginning and end. What a comfort it is to know that however tired and weary these years are, we have a God who is eternal and He will give us rest, free from all difficulties. Sometimes I catch myself asking the question what if I am wrong in believing this. But it scares me to live a life thinking it is wrong and what if it turns out to be the truth.
When I think of myself in hell eternally, I realize the most difficult times in our life on earth have a limited time period. It is comforting to know that these difficult times will pass.
Time defines anything in this world. We are born on a particular day and die on a particular day. This defines how long we have lived. There are manufactured dates, expiry date, etc.
Now, if time had limits, then there is a beginning and an end. Man has never been able to come to a conclusion on when time began, neither can he predict when it would end. When one of my friends was not paid their monthly salary because of recession, managing their home became difficult.
One month became two, three, six and nine months and before we knew we were counting years. At that time finding another job was next to impossible. If running their house for them was a challenge, for me praying for them became a challenge. What do you pray for and it seemed our prayers were not answered.
It was at that time God taught me saying a man lives, say, for 80 years. If in the 80 years for 3 years he has severe financial difficulty, it doesn’t take away the 77 years of financial stability. How they handle the 3 years would impact the way they would have to live the following years.
In the same way when I take the timeline of this world, the 80 years becomes just a dot, but how I live in this dot determines where I would be after I die. As Christians we believe in a new heaven and a new earth which would be flawless like the garden of Eden, and entry is granted only if we have lived our life on earth pleasing to God. Else we will find ourselves in the torrid place called hell.
In all this only our time on earth has a beginning and end. What a comfort it is to know that however tired and weary these years are, we have a God who is eternal and He will give us rest, free from all difficulties. Sometimes I catch myself asking the question what if I am wrong in believing this. But it scares me to live a life thinking it is wrong and what if it turns out to be the truth.
When I think of myself in hell eternally, I realize the most difficult times in our life on earth have a limited time period. It is comforting to know that these difficult times will pass.

This devotion is a practical study to see who God is and how we can reflect the same character of God in our life. We are created in the image of God and we need to live lives that reflect God in us. We desire our children to take after us in the same manner our heavenly father wants us to take after Him.