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The Genealogy of Jesus預覽

The Genealogy of Jesus


Isaac is the promised child of Abraham and Sarah, who were well past their child-bearing years. Without God’s promised fulfillment to Abraham and Sarah in the birth of Isaac, none of God’s other promises to Abraham would have been fulfilled. It was a guarantee that God would come through in the birth of Isaac for the sake of His promise to Abraham. The birth of Isaac proved God’s promise-keeping character.

The potential death of Isaac verified Abraham’s trust in God’s promise. Genesis 22 demonstrates true faith as Abraham pressed into God’s promise even when it seemed to contradict God’s command. As he raised the knife to slay the promised child, God provided a substitute – a ram caught in the thicket.

Isaac’s birth and near-death experience exemplify God’s covenant-keeping character to fulfill His promises. God fulfilled His most significant promise in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. He saw and fulfilled our greatest need – the need to be reconciled to Christ and set free from sin. Isaac’s story points us towards the character of God and the Cross of Christ.

We serve a faithful God who keeps His promises.

  1. How have you been tempted to doubt God’s faithfulness?
  2. How does Isaac’s story deepen your trust in God?

Prayer: God, I praise You for keeping Your promises. Help me to trust You when I do not see a way forward. Thank You for being faithful.


The Genealogy of Jesus

We often trace our history to unlock knowledge about ourselves and gain wisdom to move forward. The divine nature of Jesus certainly adds a one-of-a-kind dynamic to understanding His genealogy. Still, there is wisdom, depth, and importance to be gained in learning about the men and women God ordained as part of the family of Jesus.
