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Suffering: A Study in Job預覽

Suffering: A Study in Job


What does it say?

Job talked about the source of all wisdom and understanding. Man can search and find treasures deep in the earth more easily than he can find wisdom.

What does it mean?

Precious metals and gems have been desired for millennia. Man has gone to great lengths to uncover the hidden treasures God placed in the earth. Before Solomon, Job posed the question, “Where can wisdom or understanding be found?” Certainly not in the depths of the ground or the sea, nor can it be bought with any amount of riches. The answer is given in verse 28. The fear of the Lord (respect and awe for the majesty of God) is wisdom, and turning from evil is understanding. Job knew he needed wisdom and that God was its only source.

How should I respond?

How much money is enough? The world’s answer… just a little bit more. Yet no amount of money can buy wisdom or provide security. If people without Christ greedily long for more “stuff,” shouldn’t those who claim His name pursue wisdom? Truly seeking after God and trusting Him will put you on the path of wisdom. Seeking Him starts by studying His Word. What current situation has left you perplexed? What are you pursuing for the answer, more money or godly wisdom? Ask God for understanding as you study Scripture. A God-given “aha” moment is worth more than any treasure.

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Suffering: A Study in Job

The book of Job chronicles testing a righteous man's faith through suffering. Although Job's friends attempt to comfort him, it is only by God's revelation of His wisdom and might that Job finds true comfort. Even in deep suffering, God can do all things, and none of His purposes can be thwarted (Job 42:2).

