7 Biblical Principles on Parenting預覽
Send your children into the world to transform it, not shrink back in fear. We’re not hiding from the world; we’re engaging it. It’s important that Christian parents don’t see raising a Godly child as escaping from the world but as preparing your child to be ready to transform it! Here are a few key things to instill into your kids before you release them.
We must prepare our children to face the world with courage. They need to know there will be challenges and there will be enemies both naturally and spiritually, but God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but calls us into courage!
Help your kids learn to forgive quickly. This will be one of the greatest skills they can have. Unforgiveness will destroy them and slow them down. Overlooking an offense is a major sign of maturity.
Keep your kids in a flow of thankfulness. Being grateful will keep us in a flow of God’s goodness. Complaining and a lack of appreciation can rob your kids of receiving from God and others. Jesus highlights a group of men that He healed by pointing out that only one came back to thank Him for being healed.
Children are a gift from the Lord, and you, as a parent, are God's greatest guardian, protection, and preparation gift to your child. There will be other people who play a role in your child's development, but parents have the biggest impact and the most responsibility before God! This reading plan will look at 7 key Biblical principles from the Bible on how to raise a child. We're not just keeping our kids alive or surviving, but we'll learn how to raise Godly children who are healthy, happy, and successful.