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Beyond Camp Student Edition


It’s Your Turn

So you’ve just returned from camp where you learned a lot and were challenged by the Scriptures you heard and read. Perhaps you’re thinking, How can I keep growing in Jesus? A great way to grow is to find someone to share Jesus with.

The apostle Paul wrote to his protégé Timothy, “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.”

Think of it, Timothy had a world-class mentor in the apostle Paul (who wrote many New Testament books), but he was first spiritually grounded and shaped by his grandmother and mother. Lois and Eunice shared spiritual truths with Timothy, and Paul helped him mature even more in his faith. As you grow in God, look for others who will help you learn more about Jesus and what it means to live for Him.

Another word for growing in God is discipleship. Discipleship is a process. You’ve been poured into at camp and now you need to let it overflow to others.

Paul taught Timothy, “Never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord.” Who are the people you can tell about Jesus? Perhaps God’s calling you to be a Lois, Eunice, or Paul to them. It’s your turn to share what you know and help others grow.

Written by Matt Raines, Frontier Camp

What was it about your camp experience that helped you grow in Jesus? How can you use some of those same methods to help those around you?

Heavenly Father, thank You for people like Lois, Eunice, and Paul who helped Timothy grow. Please use me in someone’s life so that they can become more like You.

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Beyond Camp Student Edition

Help campers turn formational experiences at camp into an ongoing lifestyle of Bible engagement with this 10-day reading plan, featuring devotions written by trusted Our Daily Bread authors and Christian Camp and Conference Association professionals.
