HERO | A Children's Book Connecting Jesus' Ministry To Elisha預覽

The stories about Jesus and his miracles continue to spread as all of us get ready to celebrate the special feast that we Jews call The Passover. Everyone travels to Jerusalem for this event in order to remember when God freed us from slavery in Egypt.
Upon arriving in Jerusalem we see that the events of the feast and celebration are already underway, but this time something is different. Jesus is there, but this time he is not healing people. Saba and I hear angry yelling and follow the sound into the center of town where people scream Jesus’ name.
The crowd chants, “Crucify him; Crucify him!”
I turn to Saba nervously and whisper, “Saba, why are they saying this, he is the ... ”
I spot Jesus at that moment as he is taken down off a large platform and is strapped down to a stone to be flogged (which is when the guards take a sharp rope and hit people with it). The whip makes a smacking sound as it hits Jesus, and Saba and I push our way to the front of the screaming crowd.
Can we stop it?
By the time we make our way to the front, Jesus lies on the ground with cuts all over his body. Tears run down my face. “Why Saba, why would they do this?”

John's gospel can be broken into four parts: an Introduction (John 1:-1:18), the Book of signs (1:19-12:50), the Book of exaltation (13:1-20:31) and an epilogue (Chapter 21). In the book HERO, children and adults alike, can adventure with Eli and Saba (Eli’s Grandfather) on a wild ride of storytelling and discovery, and discover how John’s Gospel intentionally pairs John the Baptist's ministry with Elijah, and Jesus’ ministry with Elisha.