HERO | A Children's Book Connecting Jesus' Ministry To Elisha預覽

“O.k. my boy,” Saba says as he settles next to me. “Eli” he speaks gently, “one of the things that makes Yahweh most happy is helping women who have lost their husbands, and helping children who have lost their fathers. This is what the Torah tells us. One of my favorite stories of Elisha is when he performed a miracle to serve a woman who had just lost her husband.
“Elisha approached the young woman one day only to find her tired and deeply sad. The lines on her face were worn deep as a result of her labor in the fields. Elisha came to her as she stooped to work, and he saw her burden. With great heartache she wept over the loss of her children. They were her family.
“Now this is when Elisha gets sneaky, Eli! Knowing her problem, he told the woman to gather up empty jars from the neighbors and to bring them back to fill them up with oil. This is the oil that was to be used for both cooking and for paying off her debts. But to this idea, the woman simply said to Elisha, ‘I do not have oil to do as you ask.’ But Elisha told her to go, and she obeyed.”
Grabbing my Saba by the arm to pull him closer, I ask, “What happens, what happens ...”
“Well, Eli,” he exclaims, “The woman did do what she was asked, and as she poured that little bit of sweet oil, the jars filled up. The oil poured over the side spilling all over the floor, causing the woman to smile. Elisha worked a miracle! The jars brimmed with oil, enough to pay off all her debts; saving her sons from being sold as slaves.”
Cheering, jumping around on my bed, and stabbing the air with a make-believe sword I shout, “Yes, Elisha saves the day … you see, you see, I’m going to be just like him!”
“Yes, Yes,” Saba said, “My goodness, a little story sure gets you stirred up. I think we better stop there. You need to get to sleep, and we can talk more about Elisha as a hero after your cousin’s wedding tomorrow.”

John's gospel can be broken into four parts: an Introduction (John 1:-1:18), the Book of signs (1:19-12:50), the Book of exaltation (13:1-20:31) and an epilogue (Chapter 21). In the book HERO, children and adults alike, can adventure with Eli and Saba (Eli’s Grandfather) on a wild ride of storytelling and discovery, and discover how John’s Gospel intentionally pairs John the Baptist's ministry with Elijah, and Jesus’ ministry with Elisha.