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Catechism: Prayer & Worship - Rhythms預覽

Catechism: Prayer & Worship - Rhythms


The Rhythm of Celebration. Celebrating is one of the joys of life. Whether it’s a birthday party, Christmas presents, a sports team win, or something else, it’s fun to let loose and be happy!

And in our relationship with God, he invites us to gather together with other people and rejoice. It’s part of worshiping him. When God’s people have a regular rhythm of gathering in his name and celebrating, something beautiful happens. Gladness begins to rise in our hearts, we become more thankful and hopeful, and our identity is reshaped around the victory and power of God.

We can see this celebration throughout the book of Psalms in the various writers’ proclamations and exclamations of joy and praise to God. Shouting, singing, dancing, serving, giving thanks, blessing, praising: These are all part of a beautiful symphony of celebration, expressing love, joy, and thanks to the God who loves us.

And it is this shared experience that reorients our hearts around who God is, what he’s able to do, and how we belong to him. Honoring and praising God anchors our identity back to the One who loves us and gave his Son so we could be set free.

Our God is amazing! Will you celebrate all he is and all he’s doing today?

Consider: As you read the passages from the Psalms, consider the different ways the writer celebrates God. What are the different ways these celebrations are expressed and why?

Reflect: Take a moment today to ask yourself: How does celebrating God and giving thanks change the way I think and see my circumstances?

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Catechism: Prayer & Worship - Rhythms

It's important that we create daily rhythms of prayer and worship in our lives. In this 3-day Bible plan, you'll explore those rhythms of celebration, questioning, and hopeful waiting. This plan is part 4 of 4 from the Feed Catechism's Prayer and Worship series.

