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Where There's Smoke There's Fire預覽

Where There's Smoke There's Fire


In the story of Exodus, we see that God's presence yearns to envelop us and beckons us forward. His call is like a gentle invitation, asking us to respond simply, "Here I am." It's the start of a transformative journey.

To truly experience His consuming presence, you might need to leave certain things behind. It's like stepping into a new chapter, shedding old layers to make room for His light to shine. Sometimes, letting go is necessary for His consuming presence to fully engulf you.

Remember, His consuming nature isn't about destruction; it's an act of deep care and connection. It's like being embraced by the warmth of a loving hug. So, as you embark on this journey, listen to His call, shed what holds you back, and embrace the transformative power of His consuming presence.

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Where There's Smoke There's Fire

The age-old adage of “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” rings true with God’s presence: if it’s visible, the signs are present. In this 28-day reading plan, we see how God’s presence is symbolized by fire and the “smoke” that should show in our lives because of it. Note: This plan is based on the sermon series from the good people at Youth Pastor Co.

