5 Prayers of Humility預覽

Prayer 4: “Lord, Help Me Believe Your Word.”
The Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible Word to mankind. John chapter 1 tells us that the Bible is, somehow, actually Jesus in written form!
It's true: Jesus is the Word, and the Word is Jesus.
Think about that for a while. This awesome truth will fill you with awe and bring you to worship at the feet of Christ.
But what does “the Word become flesh” have to do with humility?
The Bible is inerrant and infallible. It is completely, 100% true. Yet, it says many things that our fleshly logic might not like:
- It says things that convict us; things through which God seeks to change our hearts.
- It says many things that sinful culture hates.
- Strangest of all, it says many good things that our prideful hearts sometimes do not want to accept.
Here's the key:
It takes humility to believe the good things God says.
I can’t even tell you how many times someone has told me they are willing to listen to all the corrections God wants to send them—those words that tell us when we do wrong. But those people have sat right in front of me and told me practically in the same breath that they were not willing to believe any of the good things the Lord says about them.
Friend, if we won’t accept everything God's Word says about ourselves—whether that Word is encouraging or convicting—then we have a pride problem.
If you won’t accept all the things God says—even the things which affirm you; things which counteract your bad self-esteem—then you are prideful. And if you have pride in your heart, that pride is offensive to God. It’s causing Him to put “resistors” in your life. And yes, He will discipline you to help you become humble ...
... but wouldn't it be so much easier to simply decide to believe Him, no matter what He says?
This is why we pray, "Lord, help me to believe Your Word."
Believing in God's Word is a sign of humility. And if we're going to believe God's Word, we have to believe everything it says—even when His Word tears down our sinful habits, evil thought patterns, OR our low self-esteem.
Friend, if you want to be humble, decide to believe everything God says:
- Believe His Word when He convicts you, and believe it just as much when He affirms you.
- Believe Him when He disciplines you, and believe Him just as much when He blesses you.
His Word is true, but you have to listen with the help of His Spirit—humbling yourself under His mighty hand—in order to reap the full benefit of it.

Need more of God's grace, favor, and blessing? Then pray these five simple prayers of humility, asking the Lord to favor you and help you. He will answer your prayer; He gives grace to the humble! And if you humble yourself before the Lord, He will lift you up.