Planted and Flourishing預覽
Most people listening to Jesus would have been familiar with planting seeds. Farmers in those times did not plant seeds using tractors. They would take a handful of seeds and toss them onto the soil, cover them, and wait for the plants to grow. Planting seeds is called “sowing”. Jesus told a story about seed and a sower. He talked about four types of ground the seed fell on. Some fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some in the thorns, and some on good soil.
What does this story mean? When Jesus tells stories, they always have a lesson. Jesus explained that the seed is like the Word of God and the type of ground it lands on different types of people. Those who hear God’s Word and don’t allow it to grow or those who are like good soil and hear the Word and let it grow deep roots in their lives.
When you hear God’s Word do you allow it to take root deep in your heart, or can it easily be stolen by discouragement, doubt, or fear? When we allow God’s Word to take root in our lives and plant ourselves in God’s Word, we are like good soil.
Discover how you can be planted and flourish. Be planted in God's Word, stay connected to God to flourish, and let your roots grow deep in God.