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Character Calling: Imitators預覽

Character Calling: Imitators


THE REAL DEAL. Everyone has certain brands that they like, a brand of jeans, electronics, or even a favorite restaurant. The name of the brand represents something to us. Maybe it’s quality, flavor, comfort, or luxury, but it’s more than just the name - it’s what the name carries with it.

There are manufacturers that make copies of luxury brand clothes or electronics -counterfeits or knock-offs. While they are similar to the original, they are not the real deal. They claim the name, but only some of their characteristics are authentic and true to the original design.

In the same way, as followers of Jesus, we carry his name - we call ourselves Christians. Anyone can claim to be a Christian, but what makes us the “real deal” and not just a “knock-off?”

  • When we accept God’s invitation and choose to imitate Jesus in our actions, words, and behaviors.
  • When we do not misuse his name - claiming to love and follow God while denying him in our life choices and actions.
  • When we allow God’s love and integrity to shine through, and nothing is fake in the way we behave.
  • When the way we talk and behave honors God as we pattern ourselves after Jesus.

This is Christ-like character. This is how we represent the One who gave his all for us.

Consider: Is there something in your words, actions, or thoughts that is counterfeit to the character of Jesus? What could you stop and/or start doing to pattern your life after Jesus?

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Character Calling: Imitators

As followers of Jesus, we are called to have Christ-like character. In this 3-day Bible plan, you'll explore how the first four commandments from Exodus instruct us to imitate Christ by loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This plan is part 1 of 4 from the Feed Catechism's Character Calling series.

