And It Was Good預覽

Try to win a championship without going to practice.
Try to do well on a test without studying.
Try to make friends without spending time with other people.
If someone tried to do any of these things without preparation, they would find it very difficult.
Fixing injustice works the same way. We can only do it by constantly staying in the work of it. When attempting to address or fix injustice, we must act. It is not enough to say, “That was an injustice.” We must talk to Jesus, study and model the example of Jesus, and talk to people we trust to find the best way to move against injustice. Injustice and unkindness thrive in places without actions. So, let’s be people who act!
Next time you witness someone being mean to a friend, see someone being bullied at school, or hear about someone being mistreated, try to do something to help in response.

The good work of justice. A high school devotional designed to show students God’s goodness at work in the world through justice. In this devotional, you'll find encouragement to see how God is working for justice already and the role you can play to join in that good story for all of humankind.