
God has a different perspective than we do. Humans have a limited view of possibility and God doesn’t. This means that God can guide us to the best life possible. Living in the ways God says are best isn’t always easy. At the same time, God’s ways are always worth it. This is true, even in the way we treat ourselves and others in our relationships. Today, think about the way Jesus treated Himself and others. Since He was the perfect example of what God is like, allow His example to shape the way you treat people in relationships.
Today, ask God for help to follow the example of Jesus in every area of your life, relationships included.

What dating and relationships can mean for you. A high school devotional designed to help students see the potential their relationships have to impact their lives. In this devotional, you’ll find tools to help you recognize the relationships in your life that have the potential to change the way you see God, yourself, and others.