
How do you shape the reputation of others?
What labels do you put on people? Loud, funny, talented, popular, cliquey, mean. The list is endless, isn’t it?
But not all labels are bad. We like the ones that encourage us or make us feel good. The ones like athletic, talented, smart, popular, etc.
And also, not all bad labels are fair. People make assumptions about things they’ve heard, rumors spread, etc. As Jesus followers, we need to realize that we need to be careful about the stories we hear about others and how that might lead us to assume things about people that are not true.
Paul had been labeled by Christians as a threat, as someone to be feared. And in today’s reading, a man named Ananias, had to choose whether to believe the label he had heard about or believe what God had told him about Paul.
Ultimately, Ananias chooses to obey God. And some amazing and incredible things begin to happen. Paul regains his sight. And he begins to earn a new reputation.
This moment really sets the stage for the rest of Paul’s story. He goes from being a celebrated and revered persecutor of Christians to one who is now jailed and tortured while trying to share God with others.
Why did he do this? Because it’s what God asked him to do.
As Christians, we need to be willing to take risks for others. Ananias knew Paul could have thrown him in jail for being a Christian. But he chose to trust God.
God might call you to risk something so that someone else can benefit. You might need to form a friendship with someone your current friend group doesn’t really like, or shut down gossip you know isn’t true. Those things can be hard, but if you want to honor God with your words and actions, these are the things you have to be willing to step up and do.
We also are given the gift to help others see the true value of following God. When it comes to forming the reputations of others, remember: not all labels are bad. Not all bad labels are fair. We live in a world that likes to run with our first assumption. Don’t do that with others – our calling is to love others the way God loves us!
Think about this: has someone influenced your life for the better? How could God use you as a catalyst for change in someone else’s life?

Reputation. It’s a powerful word and oftentimes a very powerful piece in our lives. What is your reputation? Can reputations change? How does my reputation effect those around me? We’re going to dive in and answer these questions while walking through the story of Paul, a guy who had a “big reputation”.