A Ransom For Many預覽
Life from Death
In Mark 8, verse 27, Jesus asks His disciples an important question: “Who do people say I am?” The answer was telling; they listed people who had already died. That couldn’t be right, unless one of these prophets was resurrected from the dead. When Jesus heard the answer, He made the question personal, and Peter confessed that Jesus was the Messiah, the One Israel had been waiting centuries to see.
Jesus explained that He would have to suffer, die and be resurrected to life again. Peter couldn’t believe it! This was the Messiah; how was this part of the plan? But Peter was looking through temporary eyes, not seeing the story from Heaven’s perspective.
Jesus rebuked Peter, and taught everyone that life was coming, but first death must be embraced; not only for Jesus, but for all who choose to follow Him. The crowd around Jesus understood sin and that through sacrifice and death, forgiveness from God could be found. This was part of the Law and the Temple system God put in place centuries before.
Jesus was revealing that sin’s power would be broken through death – His death. And he would defeat death itself, making it possible for us to enjoy eternal life with Him. This is the good news of God’s kingdom!
Jesus made bold claims, both in who He was and what His mission was on the Earth. Journey with us through the Gospel of Mark and take a closer look at His proclamations and promises. Refresh your heart with the hope of salvation through these seven daily devotionals.