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Pray for America預覽

Pray for America


Pray for Revival

We hope praying for America has encouraged you greatly. You've joined tens of thousands of Christians across this country who want to see God bless America and Americans bless God.

As we close out this series, we want to return to a Scripture that centered our prayers for an earlier topic. This time, let's look at how Paul moves from exhortation to culmination:

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. -1 Timothy 2:1-4

Today, redouble your efforts to thank God for those in positions of authority and intercede on their behalf. Pray that America can become a place of greater peace and that Christians in America can let their lights shine through godliness and dignity.

Yet, like Paul, we include not just authority figures, not just ourselves, but we especially remember all who don't yet know their just and righteous King. There is a great and deserved focus on praying for our country and leaders, but seeing more souls united with the Prince of Peace on Judgment Day is infinitely more important.

Therefore, pray that the beacons of revival that have been lit recently can be joined by one new light after another. Then as more Americans are enlightened with the loving truth of the Gospel, they will be an answer to Reverend Hunt's great prayer of dedication from over four hundred years ago and "...take the Kingdom of God to all the earth." To be a part of that destination and to experience every life-blessing step of the journey culminating in that end is why we've been so grateful to join you as we pray for America.

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Pray for America

As Christians, we must unite and dedicate time to praying for our country and for our leaders. America was built on prayer and we know that God will hear our prayers. Please join CBN and Christians across the country in 15 days of prayer for America.

