7 Proverbs For Leaders預覽

“Commit your deeds to The LORD, and your plans shall succeed.” (Pro 16:3)
If only my thoughts were aligned to God’s will. Take a look at this Scripture. If we cast our works onto Him, commit and trust them to Him, He will make us think along the lines of His will. Why? So our plans will work and we will have success!
That is staggering in its significance. If we trust Him, He will turn our hearts to His will. We know that if we are in His will, He will guide us and lead us. How comforting it is to know that as we commit our works to Him, He will turn us to not only hear from Him, but our very thoughts will become His thoughts. Then we truly will have the mind of Christ.
How profound is this truth for leaders? We have the responsibility to lead others, how much more important for us to hear, commit and see our plans succeed.
Quick Prayer: I commit my business to You. Please align my thoughts to Your will, that my plans may succeed. Amen.

Whether you are a church leader, business owner, commercial leader or aspire to be one, this is for you. The writer of 'Proverbs', King Solomon, is considered the wisest man who ever lived; he certainly was one of the wealthiest. His name is synonymous with wisdom. Here are 7 Leadership Messages by experienced CEO, Mark Bilton, Founder of Called to Business, based on his book "77 Proverbs for Leaders".