Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Colossians 3:23
Speak to Your Mountain
7 Days
This 7-day Bible study is adapted from my devotional book, 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Work Life. We will examine the various circumstances in scripture and real-life stories of application of these verses to your daily work life. In this study I’ll share stories of those who are living out the scripture and how you can apply it in your life daily.
Pushing With Perseverance to Purpose
7 Days
As a skateboarder, I’ve been pushing around on my skateboard for years. I’ve pushed through the streets of different cities, events, and even inside multiple churches! When I said yes to following Jesus, I started pushing toward my God given purpose. This bible plan is intended to help you learn to push with perseverance to your God given purpose.
Worship in the Workplace
7 Days
God didn’t build a Church and place man there to worship Him – instead, He created a garden, and put man there to work in it. Imagine if we could see our workplace through God’s ‘glasses’? Imagine how God can then use us in the workplace! Take up these 7 challenges with Zippora and see your workplace change into a worship place.
It Always Begins With the Heart
7 Days
The Bible says the heart is the wellspring of life. So, how do we check our heart health? In this study, Deepa Chandrasekhar poses some searching questions to our hearts – are we content, gracious, courageous, humble, tranquil, generous and sincere? Have we thought about the contrast between how God intended for us to behave in our workplaces and how we actually do behave?
End Result
7 Days
Relying merely on God to act in the absence of your initiative will not work. Human efforts plus divine intervention is the winning formula. When we prioritize Him, He prioritizes our tasks and gives grace from above to achieve and surpass our goals. This Bible Plan is about not letting the ‘here and now’ erode the ‘hereafter’. A great finish is better than a good start!
Be Still and Be Blessed: Devotions for Mothers
7 Days
Finding time to be still in the chaos of motherhood is no simple task. Yet, when we do make time to quiet ourselves before God, something powerful happens. He gives us supernatural rest. He floods our minds with peace. He restores our joy. He whispers to our hearts that it all matters. That we matter. This plan includes devotions from "Be Still and Be Blessed: 365 Devotions for Mothers."
The Artist Mindset Makeover
7 Days
In this seven-day Bible-reading plan, artist Matt Tommey enables you how to start practically renewing your mind to overcome the seven biggest lies artists believe about themselves, God, art, money, and what's possible.
6 Cues to Find Your Calling
7 Days
People often ask, "How do I know what I am called to do?" With this plan, I want to explain how there is a general will of God for every Christian, and this general will of God involves: following Jesus, forsaking sin, and winning souls. However, as you continue partaking in God's general will for your life as a believer, His specific will for you begins to be uncovered.
The Christian Athlete
7 Days
A Christian athlete is one that has trusted Christ for their salvation and surrendered to his Lordship. But what does a Christian athlete look like and strive towards on a daily basis? What follows are seven characteristics (one per day) that are evident in their lives—at some level.
Five and a Half Questions Everyone Must Answer
7 Days
The Five and a Half Questions Everyone Must Answer devotional will empower individuals with a keen understanding of who they are at their core. Powerful questions will challenge and inspire attendees, leading to thought-provoking insights that will help them see their purpose - at work and in life. This fosters higher degrees of motivation, respect and cooperation throughout a life, a business or an organization.