Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 17:23
10 Years Sober
10 Days
Ten years ago, Lance Lang was a hopeless addict, willing to use anyone or anything, just so he could use. But God intervened and Lance began a miraculous journey to rehab, recovery, and restoration. In Ten Years Sober, Lance tells his story, while also imparting spiritual lessons he's learned along the way. Check out this ten day reading plan to find the steps you can take to reclaim your hope.
Living in God's Presence
10 Days
Being a Christian is about reading your Bible, praying to God, and attending church services, right? Yes, it is, but there is much more. As a Christian, you live coram Deo, before God. You continually live in His presence. You live under His authority and to His glory. This reading plan explains how you can walk with God every day of your life.
The God of the Way
10 Days
This reading plan includes ten daily devotions based on Kathie Lee Gifford’s and Rabbi Jason Sobel’s book The God of the Way: A Journey into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever. This study will explore how the world-changing lives of key men and women in the Bible can offer life, hope, and direction for your life today.
10 Contemplative Days in the Lord's Prayer
10 Days
This 10-Day Contemplative Prayer Guide through the Lord’s Prayer is intended to slow you down, practice listening in moments of silence and solitude, and experience prayer relationally over wish-listing and mental effort. We encourage you to start with silence and acknowledgement of God’s presence, then dwell on the given scriptures, and finally take 30 slow minutes on the devotional deep-dive provided for each day’s focus line of the Lord’s prayer.
Our Personal, Ultimate Intercessor
10 Days
Isn’t it fascinating that Jesus’ disciples didn’t ask Jesus to teach them how to lead or preach or teach or administrate, although He certainly was the expert? In Luke 11:1, they said, “Teach us to pray.” They had seen Him praying more than anything else. How can we learn from Jesus’ priority of prayer?
The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Changing the World
10 Days
The old axiom is true: people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. We find ourselves in a cultural moment where people simply want to feel seen, heard and loved. The good news? A little kindness goes a long way. It's time for this overlooked and underappreciated fruit of the Spirit to get its due. Ready or not, be kind.
Laughter and Lament: The Radical Freedom of Joy and Sorrow
10 Days
What do we do with our pain and joy in life? Most try to avoid the tears and focus on finding happiness, but does that really work? Denial might help to alleviate pain for the short run, but eventually lament must be faced and expressed. The surprising truth is that both laughter and lament together pave the path to radical freedom in Christ.
I Accepted Christ: Now What?
10 Days
As a new believer in Jesus, you’ve been told you should start reading the Bible, but where do you start? This 10-Day plan was designed with you in mind. Based on the Gospel of John, it will help you understand ten essential truths every believer should know, challenge you to apply them to your life, and help you develop a Bible-reading habit.
Ten Essentials for New Christians
10 Days
Whether you decided to follow Jesus recently or some time ago, perhaps you are asking, “What next?” This 10-day plan highlights ten clear and enriching next steps in your walk with the Lord, followed by answers to commonly asked questions. Each day focuses on God’s profound love for you, providing straightforward encouragement and direction in your journey with Jesus.
Evangelism: Why Do I Need It?
10 Days
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is pivotal to our faith. The good news offers a path to salvation and eternal life for many. Some Christians feel apprehensive about sharing their faith, yet there are numerous compelling reasons to do so. Our initiative champions evangelism. In the next ten days, we invite you to explore ten important reasons that highlight why this effort is so crucial.