Who is God the Son?
John calls Jesus “the Word” because He is writing in the Greek language to an audience with a Greco-Roman worldview. Logos, translated “the Word,” brilliantly explains that Jesus is not only God’s Son, but He is fully God who was present at creation. It is important to know that Jesus didn’t just become God.
Jesus fully embodies both the grace and truth of God. The humanity of Jesus shows us God’s unbelievable grace – that He would come to this earth to live a sinless life and willingly give Himself as a substitute for our sin. Jesus took the punishment on the cross that we deserve.
Grace and truth are kind of like the two edges to a snowboard. There is a toe-side edge and a heel-side edge, and they are equally important. You need both to experience snowboarding to the fullest. Jesus is God’s perfect picture of grace and truth. Knowing Jesus as God’s Son helps us understand these two important aspects.
What did John mean when he referred to Jesus as “the Word?”
How does it help you relate to Jesus knowing that He has faced every temptation that could come your way?
About this Plan
God never intended faith to be complicated. Uncomplicated is a study designed to help guide you through many of the big questions about faith. These questions are really important and they don't have to be as confusing as many of us have made them. There are already so many things in life that are overwhelming and complicated. Faith shouldn't be complicated, it should be simple.