Who Is Jesus For You? Sample
Look at Jesus and you will see the Face of God
“No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.”
The face of God is seen in the face of Jesus. What is God like? Look at Jesus. Can I trust God? Will he take care of me? Does he want good for me? Look at Jesus. Look at Jesus care for his followers with a heart full of grace and truth.
Does God really hear me when I pray? Look at Jesus. Hear Jesus as he repeatedly tells us to pray and ask.
Does God care about sin? Will God actually bring judgment on evil and rebellion? Look at Jesus. Watch Jesus as he denounces sin and unequivocally speaks of the reality of hell and certain judgment.
Can God deliver me when life seems overwhelming? Can God intervene in my life to do the impossible? Look at Jesus. Watch Jesus as he calms the sea, stills the wind, heals the leper, and delivers the demonized. Watch Jesus as he repeatedly intervenes to do the impossible.
When I fail miserably, when I feel shrouded in a fog of guilt and condemnation, will God forgive me? Look at Jesus. Look at Jesus hanging on a cross, paying for the sin of the world, saying to the Father, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Hear Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”
When I wonder about the hard questions, questions about babies dying, questions about those who have never heard of Jesus, what should I do? Look at Jesus. Look at Jesus, know that he cares more than I do, and will do what is right, fair, and good. In every situation, in every dilemma, in every doubt, in every fear, in every question, in every tear, whenever I need to know what God is like, what do I do? Look at Jesus.
The face of God is seen in the face of Jesus.
About this Plan
Jesus, the most important person who has ever walked on the Earth. He proclaimed himself in many different ways, letting us know his character, his nature, and his purpose. The Apostle John, who was very close to him, registered in his gospel some amazing truths regarding our Savior. Let us study some of them together.