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Come, Let's Go! Discipleship In EvangelismSample

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship In Evangelism

DAY 4 OF 7


"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."


Are you tired and troubled? Jesus said, "COME UNTO ME" and He would give us rest. One of the main reasons that we are so tired is that we have been going about this all wrong. Without Scripture, Prayer, and Body Life, we have no tools to get through the persecution and troubles that are promised if we are doing this right. We need to take his easy yolk on us and learn from Him how to do things His way. His yolk is easy and His burden is light. Operating in the Spirit is very different than operating in the world.    


There are five Great Commission passages in the bible. Today, we are going to look at the one in Luke 24. This was not the great suggestion. We either do what Jesus said or we disobey. Disciple Making is simpler then you might think. What would happen if we decided to do God's will, God's way? What if we stayed in the city until we were clothed with the power from on High? What if we could hear from Him so clearly, and if we obeyed Him immediately? Sometimes we can be walking with Jesus, talking about Jesus, and not even recognize that the man we are walking with is Jesus. Repentance and forgiveness must be preached beginning right at where we are in our Jerusalem. Sometimes we have to be honest about our doubts and take some time with Jesus to touch His hands and His feet to stop doubting and believe. He can open your mind and help you understand the scriptures. Blessed are those who believe that have not seen.        


Move from "Consumers to Producers” - Bear Fruit

Where is your Jerusalem? Where are you right now? You can start right here. God is a missionary God, so all of God's children are missionaries. You were made for this. Multiplication is in your DNA. If you have believed in Jesus and received Him, then you are a child of God. So go make and multiply more children of God. If your friends believe in Jesus and receive Jesus, they too can grow and become spiritual parents and grandparents just like you. Jesus said, "COME UNTO ME!"  

If you do this you can move from being a consumer to a producer. You will be wearing His easy yolk, up under His light burden with all of His power working through you. When you live what you believe, amazing things happen. When you do what you say, everything changes. When you call on the name of the Lord you will be saved, and then you can help others call on the name of the Lord. God's design works. We just have to surrender and do it His way! Stop whining about being fed and learn how to be a self-feeder. Grow up in your salvation and move from the milk of God's word and learn how to cut your own meat. Go fish for people. Pray, share your story and God’s story. COME, LET'S GO!   

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship In Evangelism

Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!
