The Domino EffectSample

A fight breaks out in the church. No, they weren’t fighting about carpet color, if they should remove the pews, or what they should do with the piano Ms. Nelly donated 35 years ago. The early believers (Jews) were arguing that if the Gentiles (those who weren’t Jews) accepted Jesus, then their next step should be circumcision. Ouch. This was an all-out brawl, town meeting style. After gathering together, reviewing the scriptures, and seeking wisdom from the elders, they make their decision. The church agreed that it shouldn’t make new Christians abide by the requirements of Jewish law.
The small “church” was growing. A group started with 12 men and Jesus was growing into the thousands. Growth causes friction and controversy. The early church became frazzled by different options, but forgot the singular mission of Jesus: spread the Gospel and build your domino line. You and I must fight to have unity with each other, other believers and the church. You can’t accomplish the mission by yourself, stuck to only your ideas and ways. Peter says in Acts 15:8 that as Christians, “we all have the same Holy Spirit.” Are you unified with those around you? Are you unified with the church, your church and the believers around you.
About this Plan

You’ve heard of the domino effect, right? The term is used to describe when one event sets off a chain reaction of other events.. Is your life, your choices and your commitments creating a domino line? Our mission and call as believers in Jesus is to continue to build our domino line so generation after generation will be able to proclaim the name of Jesus.
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