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Hollywood Prayer Network On God's Heart For HollywoodSample

Hollywood Prayer Network On God's Heart For Hollywood

DAY 3 OF 7


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story."  Maya Angelou

PRAY:  Dear Jesus, thank You for Your example of speaking to the crowds through parables, so that today we can see the importance of storytelling. You even fulfilled the prophecies that said You would speak in parables and that You would utter things hidden from man's heart since the creation of the world. Jesus, You knew exactly what we needed and what You were going to do to get us to understand the truth of the gospel. Thank You that You do the same thing today, by speaking through artists through stories, songs, and parables. You are so perfect Jesus and I praise You for knowing exactly what we need to learn and to imagine. Amen.
REFLECT:  Did you know that Jesus was the best and most powerful storyteller ever? Did you know that He was creative in His storytelling, using parables, props, referring to cultural examples, and even tying in the leaders and politics of the day in order to get His points across. Did you know that the first creative person listed in the Bible, was in Exodus? Did you also notice that the prophets told the people that Jesus would come, use parables, and utter things that were hidden since the creation of the world? Ironically, artists are prophets, because they tell the world either what is coming or what is actually happening in society. All of the Old Testament prophets were creative people, and through the centuries, artists have always been upstream of the politician. Artists prophetically tell the world what's happening and then the politician comes in to respond to those truths, through legislation. So, this verse in Matthew reminds us that artists, prophets, and storytellers are a crucial part of our society and Jesus is their role-model. It makes us look at movies, TV shows, songs, and video games in a new light. How do you need to adjust your beliefs to embrace these truths?
ACT:  Look for TV programs, current films, songs or video games that tell parables. Whether you agree with them or not, can you see how they are either reflecting or commenting on our society, our culture, and our current events, and that many of those stories are parables. Even radio talk show hosts are often prophetically talking about our world. Choose two of those shows, films, songs, or games and commit to pray for the writers, directors, producers, and editors of those shows. Ask the Lord to touch their hearts and lead them to Him, so they reflect His values, desires, and passions for our world in what they create. As you pray, know that you are now a part of changing our culture through both entertainment and through prayer. It's a powerful and impactful combination.
Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Hollywood Prayer Network On God's Heart For Hollywood

This week we’re focusing on understanding and praying for Hollywood, the world’s most influential mission field. Christians in Hollywood are on the front lines of ministry and they need prayer and support.  So, our prayer is that you will catch the vision of the importance and global impact of Hollywood and choose to pray for the people there as you watch films, TV shows, hear music, and play video games.
