It can be frightening to think that the exquisitely holy God of heaven and earth sees us in all our dirt, accumulated from the failures of life. How we wish we could undo the things we did, and do the things we should have. Oh to be able to reach for a spiritual eraser and rub out the wrong bits so that we can be returned to a pristine white page – perhaps a page that God could look at without horror.
But what’s this I hear? The Bible tells me that if I accept Jesus’ death to pay the price for my sins, I AM a “new creation.” Everything old and dirty has ceased to exist. It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it? But it is true. Such is the grace of God.
So, lift up your head. You have been clothed in Christ’s righteousness and are a new creation.
Heavenly Father, the forgiveness you never fail to give is beautiful. Thank you for choosing to forget my sins when I repent, and for declaring to heaven and earth that I am a “new creation.”
About this Plan
Jesus asked the question: “Who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:7) Our entire life and destiny hinges on the answer. So, let’s look at the seven “I am” sayings of Jesus – and then explore their implications for us, through the “you are” statements in the New Testament.