In Yesterday’s reflection, we dwelt on the fact that Christians are a “new creation” in the eyes of God. The failures of the past have no more claim on us. The Bible continues on seamlessly to expound on a consequence of this. It says you are now to be “Christ’s ambassadors.”
Just think for a moment what this means.
It means you are called to represent God and his kingdom values in a land that is not your own. You carry God’s royal imprimatur in a foreign land. This imprimatur gives you no right to represent your own opinions. Yours is a higher calling. You are to represent the grace, truth and authority of your Heavenly Father. That is what people should hear and see when they are with you.
It is an incredibly high calling. Live it well.
Lord Jesus, I am amazed that you should trust me to represent your name and renown. I simply ask that you make me equal to the task so that people clearly see your truth, your grace and your majesty.
About this Plan
Jesus asked the question: “Who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:7) Our entire life and destiny hinges on the answer. So, let’s look at the seven “I am” sayings of Jesus – and then explore their implications for us, through the “you are” statements in the New Testament.