When was the last time you pulse-checked your purpose? Are you 100% sure that it is alive and well? Sometimes, without noticing, we can lose sight of the reason we are running our race. Whether it is the race of your faith, your career, or your leadership, purpose is an important part of not becoming disqualified. In the text above Paul recognizes that sometimes even after having preached to others, shown off, or felt like we've "arrived" we can lose track and become disqualified for the prize.
How many people do we know that start big projects, and talk about lofty dreams, but never get there? How can we keep from becoming one of them? If you play close attention to the verse above, there are a few things that give us insight into keeping our purpose alive and making sure we cross that finish line. Throughout this journal we’ll take a look at each of these things. Then, I encourage you to take time to fill out the questions at the end of each chapter.
You may instinctively know this, but your purpose is not something that can be told. There is no book, preacher, or person that can flat out tell you everything you need to know about fulfilling your calling in life or what you should do with your talents. However, you can be pointed in the right direction. Sometimes it’s not about being given the answers but about being asked the right questions. And that is the target behind this book. By the end, you won’t have all the answers but I hope that you will have a good idea on how to get started.
My aim is that you would begin asking the right questions and follow it up with a diligent pursuit of the answers. As you write to yourself, I dare you to be brutally honest in your answers; and when you aren’t sure of the answers, I hope that you pray, question, think, research, and dig deep inside yourself to discover your purpose.
With Love,
About this Plan
Purpose Journal - A journal for finding who you are meant to be.