"Therefore I do not run like someone without a goal, I do not fight like a boxer beating the air"
If we are going to go for the prize, we’ve got to make sure we’re going in the right direction, and being intentional about what we do. Imagine a trained fighter throwing punches to the air instead of ever hitting his opponent. That’s how silly it is to waste your energy on things that will not eventually lead you to your purpose. Too often, we fill our lives with a lot of activity, failing to realize that activity does not always equal productivity. Sometimes, we need to learn to cut things out, rearrange our priorities and become a bit more intentional. We should constantly ask ourselves, are all of the things we are doing in our life adding up to the final goal? Or are we wasting valuable energy like a boxer beating the air?
Let’s write about it:
I. Am I wasting energy on something that distracts me from my final goal?
II. When was the last time I evaluated my priorities and organized my time?
III, In the average week, how much time do I dedicate to intentionally carrying out my purpose?
IV. Is that enough? Or should I re-evaluate my schedule?
V. What are some things I can delegate (ask someone else to do) so that I can have more time to focus on my goals?
About this Plan
Purpose Journal - A journal for finding who you are meant to be.