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Venga Tu Reino - (Kingdom Come)Sample

Venga Tu Reino - (Kingdom Come)

DAY 5 OF 5

Me Rindo (I Surrender) 

Me Rindo was written with the heart of Mary of Bethany in mind (John 12:3), to pour our oil at the feet of Jesus is a complete act of abandonment. Abandonment of reputation, appearance, shame, and earthly standards. Mary did not care for what others thought about her or what people thought “needed to be done”. When Jesus walks into the room he deserves our full attention, our full devotion. Mary was an example of what it looks like to be in full surrender, she gave what she had to Jesus with no reservation. The disciples were surprised by her obedience because of the value in the oil poured out, but the value of being at his feet surpasses any other value we see here on earth. There is nothing worth more than the pouring of our lives at his feet. 

At times we forget to come to Jesus with our oil, we become prideful or at times we simply just don’t think our circumstances and offerings are good enough for Jesus. Nevertheless, he wants what we have to offer. What if we came to Jesus with the things we hold most dear to us first? What if we didn’t come to the Father as our last resort but as our first responder? 

Let’s try that together today, when things get hard or when we feel like we are completely empty let’s choose to come to Jesus first. 


Our prayer today is that we may set our eyes to Jesus. Above all the busyness and distractions, that we will be like Mary and would make Jesus the main character of our story. May we see the full benefits of living a life surrendered unto Jesus.

Day 4

About this Plan

Venga Tu Reino - (Kingdom Come)

The vision and heart of Maverick City have always been to create space where it is yet to be created. Music that transcends language and cultural barriers is the byproduct of that quest. This album is a collection of songs that portrays Maverick City Music’s hearts in action.
