Elevate: A Conversation About Doing Life TogetherSample

One of the best things about small group is that it creates a space for a group of people to walk through the different seasons of life together. A connection is created when we open up and choose to live life together with other people.
Let’s be real though, as the people in your group share different opinions—thoughts and ideas you won’t always agree with—it won’t always be easy to stay open to them. Part of living in harmony is choosing to accept and love others simply because they’re human—even with their differences—and choosing to stay focused on what you have in common. This week, live this out by connecting with a member of your small group who you don’t always agree with. Check-in to see how their week is going and ask how you can pray for them.
About this Plan

What is doing life together all about? Is this just about hanging out? Is it only something that happens at church with our small group? In other words, when it comes to authentic community in high school, “what’s the point?” We’ll raise the bar for the conversation about what doing life together with others is all about and how it can impact your high school experience.
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