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Hit Refresh in 2022Muestra

Hit Refresh in 2022

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So, what does the 3R's look like in a modern marketplace context?

The objective of God has always been to bring His Kingdom into the earth.

God wants Sheep Nations on earth and that objective has not changed and it will never change. Every single one of us has personal assignments to do under this great global plan of God’s. It is the reason you were born, and the reason you are living in this specific era today.

Remember the Amplified Version of Acts 3:19 - So repent and return [to God - seek His purpose for your life]. Your purpose is your assignment!

Luke is the author of Acts, and he is relaying Peter’s message that those of us who have drifted off an assignment or are not doing any assignment, must repent and get back on track.

I know from lecturing all over the world, that after a year like 2021, Christians can get off track and need a refresh. Many have become battle-weary; many have been disheartened, many are fighting the wrong battles, many have wandered off their assignments, and many Christians are caught up fighting each other instead of the devil.

Some of these distractions include the vaccination wars, the wars about QR Codes, the wars on 5G, the wars on climate change, the wars on Trumpism - all of which are tearing the ecclesia apart!

Remember while this is going on, the devil can push forward with his evil plans as he continues his strategy to infiltrate and destroy our Christian foundations such as the conventional family unit, the vocational church, and the ability to work or do business (which is a fundamental requirement of God).

Now, over the last couple of years we have seen some unprecedented events: pandemics, lockdowns, state borders closed, international borders closed, government control, government discrimination against its people, the rapid rise of global socialism, the controlling intrusion into our lives of big tech and big pharma, the cancel culture against Christianity, and the Great Reset as mooted by the World Economic Forum.

These are just a few of the recent events that have distracted so many of us away from God’s great vision for His planet earth.

Amongst us Christians, this has led to a lot of fear, anxiety, social conflict, disunity, even sectarianism leading to people leaving churches and forming their sects based on strange doctrines and theories.

We are also finding many of our young people being too scared to admit they are Christians in public, at university, in the workplace, or online. This is in fear of being branded as bigots, being victims of hate speech, being defriended, or being canceled.

I know this because I lecture every year at a high-level internship called The Gathering whereby, we mentor 150 of Australia’s promising young leaders for three days on the Gold Coast, and they tell me this is how they feel when they arrive. Fearful of being a Christian - and these are leaders!

But we really “hit refresh” with them big time over those three days, and at the end of it, they are unbeatable, and they tell me so!

Remember the second part of Acts 3:19-20

So that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord [restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day]; and that He may send [to you] Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you, because the refreshing has come from the presence of the Lord.

For those of you who don’t know, Kingdom Investors (KI) is now one of the biggest and most influential marketplace ministries in the world. I have led this ministry since its inception, and myself and my team are at the frontline of many of the above-mentioned unprecedented events which are going on.

We get all the hate emails, the attacks, and the criticisms. We get the phone calls and the Zoom meetings from confused Christians and exhausted pastors. Leaders of other ministries, churches, and academia, contact us to talk at events and I can tell they are all over the shop in terms of trying to make sense of and deal with all of these issues which are intimidating and dividing the saints.

My point is at KI we have our finger on the pulse of what is happening on a global scale, and I want you to know this should not be treated as doom and gloom it is marvellous stuff!

For there to be a great victory, first there needs to be a great battle!

In 2022 we are moving into that great battle, and we simply need to hit refresh to win that great victory.

As we hit refresh, we can properly line up all of this rubbish I have mentioned and toss it into the recycle bin where it belongs.

We simply need to refocus on God’s great vision for mankind and re-establish where each of us fits individually in terms of our assignments. If we do that, we become the most battle-worthy army in the world and we are unbeatable.

Further, as many of you know I take a whole day every week to go and pray and be with the Lord. I need to be refreshed every week! That is why I prioritise doing the 3R’s every week, as it builds the faith and gets me “fully aware of what I am doing”, keeps me on assignment, and attracts the presence of the Lord, so that I can be unbeatable!

This is completely summed up in God’s reply to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14 when he commissioned and dedicated the first temple to God:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face (seek my face means seek His presence), and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I pray today that we will understand God’s great vision for humanity. Lord, please show us where we each fit in under that awesome vision. Jesus, you were crucified by people who knew not what they were doing. Help us to know what we are doing. Holy Father, heal each of our lands personally, as a family, as a community, and as a nation. I pray that we as individuals and the Church collectively will become unbeatable and be part of the most battle-worthy army of God in the world. Amen.

I would encourage you to read the KI YEAR IN REVIEW letter I sent out to the whole KI database just before Christmas. Knowing the fear, anxiety, confusion, and despondency which has overcome many Christian businesspeople around the world, I worded this letter to encourage them into 2022 because I want them to be unbeatable in 2022! You can view this HERE.

Día 3

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Hit Refresh in 2022

Without a doubt, 2021 was a year that scrambled everything; much of which needs to be unscrambled now at the beginning of 2022! In this four-day Bible plan, Dave Hodgson discusses the importance of the 3R's (rest, recuperation, and retraining), applying this biblical principle with his experience in the Rhodesian SAS and the marketplace. As we enter a new year, we must learn how to "hit refresh".
