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Over the Top

DÍA 16 DE 28

Who is the most generous person in the history of the world?

Need a hint? Remember, you are reading a devotional right now . . . it is about the Bible.

Jesus — he gave away everything he had. His life was a constant outpouring of generosity. He held nothing back to show God's love for the world, not even his life. Because Jesus didn't have much (or any) money, his generosity wasn't primarily defined by giving money away. Jesus was generous in a bigger way.

When you read through the stories of his life, time after time, you see him caring for the people he came across in profound and miraculous ways. Jesus shows that being generous isn't only about giving stuff away. It is more expansive than that.

This is why when Paul summarized what it looks like to follow Jesus, one of the main things he highlighted was caring for each other. Many of the people Paul wrote didn't have much extra money to spare. So, generously loving those around them was the primary way they could be over the top in their generosity.

Paul's words are true for you, too. They are a reminder that Jesus expanded the definition of living generously and doesn't require you to have a lot of money. The Bible invites you to be generous by being aware of the burdens the people around you carry and helping them out when they need it most.


Día 15Día 17

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Over the Top

Have you ever seen an action movie where the stunts became more and more outrageous? Each stunt gets more extreme as the movie continues to push the limits of what to expect. What if that same mindset inspired us to live differently in our lives? What if we looked to God for ways to be extreme and do the unexpected in places like generosity?
