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Perfect Redemption: Easter Devotional for KidsMuestra

Perfect Redemption: Easter Devotional for Kids

DÍA 9 DE 20

Ten Virgins

Can you imagine having your final examinations and forgetting to bring your writing materials? You rush home to get them and by the time you return, the examination is about to end and the teacher refuses to let you into the classroom.

The five foolish virgins in the bible were not prepared and missed out on the opportunity to attend the wedding banquet with him. They missed out on all the gifts and blessings they could have received from the banquet.

We should always be prepared and most importantly, be prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ.. We can live prepared by the way we live our lives now. This means loving and being kind to our neighbors, praying every day, reading our bible daily, going to church and having a close relationship with God.

Memory Verse

Therefore, keep watch because you do not know the day or the hour Matt 25:13

Word of the day


someone who lacks good sense or judgment

Say and Pray

Dear God, please help me to be prepared for the return of Jesus and to live my life for him daily


Día 8Día 10

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Perfect Redemption: Easter Devotional for Kids

Move beyond Easter eggs and bunnies this season and explore the true Easter story from the Bible with "Perfect Redemption," a 4-week themed devotional designed for kids. Each week offers daily devotionals, memory verses, words for the day, and simple prayers to wrap up the lessons. Engage in this devotional and celebrate Jesus' resurrection with "Perfect Redemption."
