Perfect Redemption: Easter Devotional for KidsMuestra
Jesus Arrested
When Jesus our Savior was on earth, He was a man of prayer. He always went out to pray in the mountains. This time around, He took the disciples with him. After prayer, a multitude came there to arrest him. Judas, one of his disciples led them to him. He betrayed Jesus. Someone who should shield Him was the one who led the people to him. How do you think Jesus felt?
Sometimes it seems as though things that are not pleasant may happen after we pray but God is using that same situation to answer our prayers. We just have to trust Him. Are there times you prayed and it seemed that the opposite of your prayer happened? Trust Jesus to work it out for your good. Keep praying and trusting that your answers will come.
Memory verse
“Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” (Luke 22:40)
Word of the day
- the act of exposing someone or their secret, to an enemy.
Say and Pray
Lord, help me to give myself to prayer just like Jesus did. I pray that You will strengthen me to pray always. Amen.
Acerca de este Plan
Move beyond Easter eggs and bunnies this season and explore the true Easter story from the Bible with "Perfect Redemption," a 4-week themed devotional designed for kids. Each week offers daily devotionals, memory verses, words for the day, and simple prayers to wrap up the lessons. Engage in this devotional and celebrate Jesus' resurrection with "Perfect Redemption."