Perfect Redemption: Easter Devotional for KidsMuestra
His Death and Burial
All of us have sinned. to sin means to do wrong things like lying and being unkind to others. Sin separated us from God and God did not want us to be apart from Him so He had a master plan to bring us back to Him. He sent Jesus to the earth to be the sacrifice that brings us back to Him.
This sacrifice that Jesus made for us released us and rescued us from the punishment that our sin deserved. Death! This is why Jesus died. He died to save us from our sins. To redeem us and bring us back to God.
Now, the story does not end with Jesus dying on the cross. Something amazing and powerful happens three days after His death and this is the reason for the Easter story.
Jesus rose from the dead because he is God and because God is more powerful than death!
Memory verse
About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)”. Matt 27:46
Word of the day
- a release or rescue from bondage or sin
Say and Pray
Lord Jesus, I believe in You and accept You as my savior, please wash me clean.
Acerca de este Plan
Move beyond Easter eggs and bunnies this season and explore the true Easter story from the Bible with "Perfect Redemption," a 4-week themed devotional designed for kids. Each week offers daily devotionals, memory verses, words for the day, and simple prayers to wrap up the lessons. Engage in this devotional and celebrate Jesus' resurrection with "Perfect Redemption."