YouVersion Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive

Last modified on August 04, 2023

Jan sa ekri anba a, vèsyon Règleman ki an Anglè a sou Règleman Prive ak Tèm Itilizasyon an ap gouvène relasyon w avèk YouVersion. Pandan vèsyon Anglè a ap gouvène, ou ka itilize yon zouti tradiksyon otomatik tankou Google Translate pou wè dokiman yo nan lang pa w la. Nenpòt lòt revizyon tradiksyon ki gen pou fèt ap parèt sou paj sa a.

Enpòtan: Tanpri Li sa Avan

In 2006, Life.Church began exploring how we could help people take advantage of emerging technologies in order to experience the Bible in ways that would lead to life change. That led us to create the YouVersion Bible App, one of the first 200 free apps available when Apple launched their App Store in 2008.

Since then, YouVersion’s Family of Apps has grown, but one thing remains the same: every product and feature that we provide is crafted with great care and intentionality. Our apps are not just electronic Bible readers—they were created to help you cultivate a deeper relationship with God every day, and to do that in a safe space alongside people you trust.

You choose what you access. You choose what you share. You choose with whom you share information. Your data is yours. YouVersion and Life.Church do not sell your information, nor will we share it with others without your consent.

Additionally, every YouVersion product is completely free with no ads or purchases. They are free to individual users and free to our Bible publishing and content Partners. We do this because we never want money to get in the way of people experiencing the power of God’s Word.

How can we afford to do this? As a digital mission of Life.Church, YouVersion is supported by Life.Church's general budget and through contributions from our global Community who want to participate in our mission to help people use technology to draw near to God every day through Scripture and experience life transformation.

Tanpri li Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa avek anpil atansyon paske li diskite sou fason nou pral kolekte, itilize, pataje, ak pwosesis enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou.


Bwef Apesi

Lè w gen aksè a YouVersion, ou dakò ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa a ak kondisyon li yo ak konsantman pou yo transfere done ou yo ak pwosesis nan Ozetazini. Itilizasyon YouVersion ou gouvène tou pa Kondisyon Itilizasyon nou yo. Tanpri li tèm sa yo ak anpil atansyon tou.

Sa la se yon rezime de kisa ou kapab espere jwenn nan règleman sou enfòmasyon prive nou an, ki kouvri tout pwodwi YouVersion- ak sèvis:

Your Personal Information: How We Collect, Use and Share It

Below is a brief overview of the personal information collected on YouVersion and the purpose for our collection. Please note, however, that our processing of your information depends on the information you choose to provide and the functionality of our services you choose to use. A more detailed description of our processing of your information is found below.

Type of Personal Information

Nature and Purpose for Collection

Personal Identifiers (name, aliases, Internet Protocol address, email address, address, and similar identifiers)

Collected to the extent you provide it to us to create an account or for association with your account in order to ensure proper use and authentication for your account. Your personal information is also used to contact you in connection with your requests and account and as discussed in our Privacy Policy.

Government Issued Identifications (Social Security numbers, drivers license number, passport numbers, and similar information)

Collected and processed to the extent you provide an application for employment or to volunteer in order to do a background check and otherwise process your application.

Financial information (credit card information, banking information, and similar information)

Collected to the extent you provide a donation to or purchase merchandise from us in person. Otherwise, financial information provided to us online is processed by third party service providers as discussed in our Privacy Policy.

Internet or other network activity (browsing history, search history, information on your interaction with our websites, apps, and other services)

Collected as you use our sites and services in order to monitor and ensure the proper operation of our websites, apps and services, to improve and customize your experience with regard to the same, to improve, modify, and update our services and content generally, and to analyze the same internally, and provide de-identified statistical information to third parties.

Geolocation data (physical location or movements)

Collected if you choose to use location-based functionality of our services, however, this information is maintained only on your device and is not stored by YouVersion.

Professional or employment-related information or non-public educational information

Collected and processed only to the extent you provide an application for employment or volunteer opportunity to do a background check and otherwise process your application.

Sensitive Information (religious information, national origin, sexual orientation, race, marital status, health-related information, genetic information and similar sensitive data)

Your use of our app or services does not reflect any specific sensitive information, and we do not require that you provide us with the same in order to use our services. To the extent you choose to provide sensitive information to us through your use of our services, we will process it only with your consent.

Commercial Information (records concerning your personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies)

Collected and processed only for purposes of donations and to the extent you provide a donation to or purchase merchandise from us.

Inferences we make about our users based on data available to us.

Collected as you use our sites and services in order to improve and customize your experience with regard to our services and to suggest additional functionality and services.

Ki jan nou itilize done ou pou fè eksperyans YouVersion ou plis pèsonèl.

Règleman sa a pou souliyin ki kalite enfòmasyon de done ou nou lekte soti nan entèraksyon ou a ak YouVersion, osi byen ke ki jan nou travay sou enfòmasyon sa a amelyore eksperyans YouVersion ou. Lè ou kreye yon kont YouVersion oswa itilize nenpòt youn nan aplikasyon nou an oswa sit, enfòmasyon nou kolekte a se nan bi pou yo ofri yon eksperyans plis pèsonalize.

Konfidansyalite w pwoteje.

Nou pran konfidansyalite enfòmasyon ou bay yo epi ke nou kolekte seryezman epi nou aplike garanti sekirite ki fèt pou pwoteje done ou yo jan yo diskite pi ba a. Nou pa pataje done pèsonèl ou idantifye ak okenn piblisite twazyèm pati oswa rezo anons pou rezon piblisite twazyèm pati.

Se experyans ou.

You have choices about how your personal information is accessed, collected, shared, and stored by YouVersion, which are discussed below. You will make choices about our use and processing of your information when you first engage YouVersion and when you engage certain YouVersion functionality and may also make certain choices in the settings menu of your YouVersion Member account or at

Nou ap akeyi tout kesyon yo ak kòmantè yo.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact us by mail at YouVersion, Attn.: YouVersion Support, 4600 E. 2nd St., Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, or by email at

Kote ke YouVersion bay ou lòt tradiksyon pase vèsyon nan lang angle a ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon privé ou. Lè sa a, ou dakò ke tradiksyon an te bay pou konvenyans ou sèlman epi vèsyon nan lang angle Règlemaa sou enfòmasyon prive pral gouvène relasyon ou avèk YouVersion. Si gen nenpòt kontradiksyon ant sa ke vèsyon nan lang angle ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive ya di ak sa yon tradiksyon di, Lè sa a, vèsyon ki lang angle ya va pran priyorite.


Pou fè dokiman sa a pi fasil pou li, nou pral sèvi ak kèk stenè nan tout. Pou egzanp, lè nou di "YouVersion," nou ap pale de:

YouVersion products are owned and operated by YouVersion, Inc., together with its parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries, which we’ll refer to as “YouVersion,” “us,” or “we” throughout this policy. We allow use of YouVersion by unregistered users, which we’ll call “Visitors,” as well as registered users, or “Members.” When we refer to both in this policy, we’ll use the term “Users” or “you.”

Enfòmasyon Nou Kolekte ak kijan nou kolekte li

Enfòmasyon nou kolekte depann de sèvis ak fonksyonalite ou mande yo. Ou ka refize soumèt enfòmasyon pèsonèl ba nou; sepandan, sa ka anpeche nou gen kapasite pou ba ou sèten sèvis oswa fonksyonalite. Enfòmasyon pèsonèl nou kolekte ak objektif nou itilize enfòmasyon sa yo dekri anba a.

Enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou bay nou.

Ou pa bezwen enskri pou yon kont manm pou itilize YouVersion. Sepandan, Manm pèmèt nou adapte YouVersion pou vin yon eksperyans pi pèsonalize. Pou kreye yon kont Manm YouVersion, nou mande pou ou bay yon non, siyati, ak yon adrès imel ki valab. Nou pral sèvi ak enfòmasyon sa yo pou asosye ou ak kont espesifik YouVersion Manm ou. Apre ou fin kreye yon kont Manm YouVersion, ou ka chwazi tou pou bay sèks ou, laj ou, sit entènèt ou, deskripsyon kote ou ye a, yon biyografi kout, yon foto pwofil, ak lòt enfòmasyon tankou Kontribisyon Itilizatè (ki defini pi ba a). Tout bagay sa yo, si yo bay yo, yo pral asosye ak kont ou jiskaske ou efase kont ou oswa fè yon demann pou yo efase enfòmasyon yo jan sa dekri anba a.

Anplis enfòmasyon pèsonèl yo kolekte pou kreye yon kont Manm, ou gen chwa sou ki enfòmasyon adisyonèl ou ba nou. Nou kolekte data pèsonèl nan men ou lè ou bay, poste, oswa telechaje li nan YouVersion. Ou pa oblije bay enfòmasyon sa yo; sepandan, si ou pa fè sa, sa ka limite kapasite nou pou pèsonalize YouVersion ak kapasite w pou itilize YouVersion nan tout limit li. Fonksyonalite espesifik YouVersion ou ka bay epi nou ka pwosesi enfòmasyon ou yo yo diskite anba a.

Kontribisyon itilizatè ou yo.

YouVersion allows users to publish, distribute, and display certain content (we refer to that as “posted” and the content as “posts”). Posts may be made on public areas of YouVersion, websites, and social media accounts you access through YouVersion, or transmitted to other users of YouVersion or third parties you choose to connect with on YouVersion or other platforms or services. For example, this would include commenting on a friend’s post or creating and sharing a Verse Image. YouVersion also allows you to create certain content to be maintained in your account, such as a Note or Bookmark of a Bible verse, some of which you can also post to provide to others. We will call the content created by you, whether or not posted, “User Contributions.”

Your User Contributions are processed by us to facilitate your ability to create, use, store, and distribute the User Contribution as you choose. We will associate your User Contributions with your account as long as you opt not to delete them. Please keep in mind that if you disclose personal information in a public manner, whether through collaborative postings, social media, message boards, or other public online forums, this information may be collected and used by others.

User Contributions are posted and transmitted at your own risk

. We cannot control the actions of other Users or third parties with whom you choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your shared User Contributions will not be viewed by or used in an unauthorized manner, nor do we accept any liability associated with your User Contributions.

Don yo ak bay.

If you choose to provide a voluntary donation through YouVersion or a third-party website linked to YouVersion, then and only then will you be prompted and required to provide credit card, bank account, and other financial information necessary to process the transaction. We will collect the designation for your donation, if you provide one, and personal information such as your name, address, country, phone number, and/or email address to ensure that your donation is used for the purpose you request and to provide you with an “Annual Giving Statement” that itemizes your donation(s) for tax purposes or your personal use. We will not store or otherwise process financial information provided to us online for the purposes of donating. If you designate a donation to an institution other than YouVersion, to facilitate your donation, we share your name, email, mailing address, and phone number with the designated institution as well as the date, amount, payment method, and the last four digits of the card or account number used for your donation. As of the date of this Policy, we use Stripe or PayPal to process your online donation payments. For information on how these third parties process your information, please refer to their privacy policies, which may be found here:;

Kominikasyon soti nan ou ak nou.

Nou kolekte enfòmasyon sou ou lè ou voye, resevwa, oswa angaje ak mesaj nan men nou, tankou lè ou soumèt enfòmasyon pèsonèl oswa demann pa imèl oswa atravè sit entènèt la Nou kenbe epi itilize kominikasyon sa yo pou pwosesi demann ou yo, reponn a demann ou yo, epi amelyore YouVersion ak sèvis nou yo. Si ou se yon Manm, n ap kenbe kominikasyon ou yo ba nou an asosyasyon ak kont ou pandan tout tan Manb ou a aktif.

Otomatik Data Koleksyon teknoloji

By agreeing to our Privacy Policy, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies (for example, web beacons, pixels, tags, and device identifiers, which we collectively refer to as “cookies”) as described in this policy. If you use YouVersion without changing your browser or device settings to disable cookies, we'll assume that you consent to receive all cookies provided through YouVersion.

Cookies ak lòt teknoloji ki sanble.

Importantly, we do NOT use cookies or similar technologies to facilitate interest-based ads for third-party goods or services.

Nou itilize cookies pou rekonèt ou menm ak/oswa aparèy ou an (yo) sou, koupe, ak atravè diferan aplikasyon YouVersion yo. Cookies yo ede fasilite pi bon eksperyans itilizatè posib YouVersion paske yo pèmèt nou rekonèt ou epi kenbe preferans itilizatè ou yo de sesyon an sesyon, ede nou kenbe kont ou an sekirite, epi jeneralman amelyore fonksyonalite pwodwi ak sèvis yo ofri atravè YouVersion. Yo ede nou tou asire ke enfòmasyon Manm yo itilize ansanm ak kont Manm ki kòrèk la.

Nou itilize cookies pou kolekte detay sou itilizasyon YouVersion ou (ki gen ladan data trafik, data kote IP, mòso bwa, kalite navigatè, lang navigatè a, fonksyonalite yo mande yo, ak tan demann ou yo), ak lòt data kominikasyon ak resous ou jwenn., itilize, ak kreye sou oswa atravè YouVersion. Nou itilize enfòmasyon sa yo pou bay yon eksperyans YouVersion ki tayè pou ou epi pou kominike avèk ou yon fason pi efikas. Yo kolekte enfòmasyon an tou pou detèmine kantite total aparèy inik ki itilize YouVersion ak/oswa pati YouVersion, swiv itilizasyon total, analize data itilizasyon, epi amelyore fonksyonalite YouVersion pou tout Itilizatè yo. Nou ka konbine enfòmasyon sa yo pou ba ou yon pi bon eksperyans ak amelyore kalite sèvis nou an.

An jeneral, nou kenbe data nou kolekte nan cookies yo pou 21 jou men nou ka sere yo pou yon peryòd ki pi long lè sa nesesè, tankou lè lalwa egzije sa oswa pou rezon teknik. Malgre ke pifò navigatè entènèt aksepte cookies pa default, ou ka kontwole cookies atravè paramèt navigatè w la ak zouti ki sanble oswa refize cookies nèt. Si ou refize aksepte cookies, ou ka pa kapab jwenn aksè nan sèten pati nan YouVersion, w ap entèdi nou bay tout kapasite YouVersion, epi ou ka anpeche itilizasyon sèten karakteristik ak sèvis ki mande teknoloji sa yo.

YouVersion cannot regulate other sites, content, or applications linked or provided from within YouVersion or our various other websites and services that are provided by third parties, including your device manufacturer, and your mobile service provider. These third parties may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data, or solicit personal information from you. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and across different websites, apps, and other online services. These third parties may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) targeted content. We do not control these third parties' tracking technologies or how they may be used. If you have any questions about targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.

Founisè atribisyon.

We advertise YouVersion on third party sites such as Facebook and Google and use third-party software development kits (“SDKs”) to attribute a download of YouVersion to the advertisement placed on the third-party site. We do not sell your personal information to any third parties nor allow our SDK service providers to sell your personal information to third parties or use your personal information to solicit the sale of third-party goods or services. We may provide these third parties with aggregate, de-identified information concerning ads placed on their sites and YouVersion downloads that result from those ads.

Aparèy ID, adrès IP ak aksè rezo.

Lè w gen aksè oswa kite sitwèb YouVersion, nou resevwa adrès entènèt kote w soti a ak sit w ap ale nan pwochen an. Nou jwenn enfòmasyon tou sou sèvè proxy ou, sistèm operasyon, navigatè entènèt ak adisyon, idantifyan aparèy ak karakteristik, ak/oswa ISP ou oswa konpayi asirans mobil ou lè ou itilize YouVersion. Nou resevwa tou data ki soti nan aparèy ou yo ak rezo yo, ki gen ladan adrès IP ou.

Nou itilize adrès IP nou kolekte nan men itilizatè nou yo pou pwosesi yo ak enfòmasyon piblik latitid ak lonjitid ki gen rapò ak Founisè Sèvis Entènèt ou oswa founisè sèvis mobil ou a pou detèmine, epi nan kèk ka dekri nan yon fason total ak de-idantifye, apwoksimatif la. rejyon jewografik pou chak egzanp itilize YouVersion. Nou sere enfòmasyon sa a latitid ak lonjitid pou apeprè sèt jou pou depanaj ak rezon dyagnostik, men yo pa janm asosye ak okenn enfòmasyon sou ou oswa ki ta ka idantifye ou pèsonèlman.

Nou kolekte epi sèvi ak otorizasyon san fil (oswa "WiFi") aparèy mobil ou tou pou detèmine si w konekte ak yon rezo fil oswa selilè. Yo itilize enfòmasyon sa yo pou bay yon eksperyans itilizatè optimize lè yo bay yon rezolisyon ki pi wo a yon itilizatè ki sou yon koneksyon WiFi gwo vitès olye ke yon rezo selilè. Yo itilize otorizasyon WiFi tou pou depoze kontni ak Chromecast ak aparèy menm jan an. YouVersion pa estoke oswa pataje enfòmasyon sa yo.

Koman Nou Itilize Enfòmasyon ou yo

Nou itilize data ke nou kolekte sou ou epi ke ou bay ansanm ak enferans nou fè nan enfòmasyon sa yo jan sa a:

  • Pou bay, sipòte, ak pèsonalize YouVersion ak fonksyonalite YouVersion ou mande a;
  • Pou kreye, kenbe, pèsonalize, ak an sekirite kont YouVersion ou a, si genyen;
  • Pou pwosesi demann ou yo epi reponn kesyon ou yo;
  • Pou bay enfòmasyon sou lòt pwodwi oswa sèvis yo;
  • Pou kenbe prekosyon, sekirite, ak entegrite YouVersion ak enfrastrikti ki fasilite itilizasyon YouVersion;
  • Pou devlopman ak analiz entèn;
  • Pou akonpli nenpòt lòt objektif ou bay li;
  • Pou egzekite obligasyon nou yo ak ranfòse dwa nou yo, ki gen ladan sa ki anba Règ sou Konfidansyalite sa a ak Kondisyon Itilizasyon nou an;
  • Jan sa dekri nan Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa a;
  • Nan nenpòt lòt fason nou ka dekri lè ou bay enfòmasyon an; epi
  • Pou nenpòt lòt rezon ak konsantman ou.


Nou itilize enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou bay yo pou kreye epi kenbe kont manm ou. Nou itilize enfòmasyon sa yo tou pou otorize ak otantifye aksè ou nan kont ou. Nou estoke enfòmasyon sa yo ak enfòmasyon ki gen rapò ak itilizasyon YouVersion ou (ki gen ladan kontribisyon itilizatè) an koneksyon avèk kont Manb ou pou toutotan ou se yon Manm. Pa egzanp, non ou ak siyati ak adrès imel yo pral estoke epi itilize pa nou an koneksyon avèk non kont ou oswa idantite kont oto-pwodwi yo otantifye ou kòm itilizatè ki kòrèk la nan kont ou. N ap tou estoke Kontribisyon Itilizatè ou yo an asosyasyon ak kont Manm ou a pou pèmèt ou jwenn aksè, re-aksede, poste, epi itilize Kontribisyon Itilizatè ou jan ou vle.

Zanmim yo.

YouVersion pral pèmèt ou kominike e konekte ak lòt itilizatè YouVersion pou pataje vèsè Bib la, kontribisyon itilizatè yo, ak lòt kontni. Se chwa w si w vle kominike oswa konekte ak yon lòt manm epi pataje enfòmasyon w oswa kontribisyon itilizatè yo.

Pou fasilite koneksyon ou ak lòt Manm YouVersion, yo pral ba w chwa si w vle pataje avèk nou enfòmasyon kontak ki estoke sou aparèy ou an. Ou pa oblije pataje enfòmasyon sa yo pou w itilize YouVersion oswa pou w konekte ak nenpòt manm patikilye. Si w deside pataje enfòmasyon sa yo avèk nou, yo pral itilize yo sèlman pou eseye asosye kontak ou yo ak lòt Manm YouVersion pou kreye potansyèl koneksyon YouVersion epi nou pral estoke sèlman toutotan ou gen yon kont Manm YouVersion. Lè ou bay aksè nan kontak ou sou aparèy ou an nan objektif sijesyon zanmi, notifikasyon lè yon kontak rantre, oswa voye yon envitasyon nan YouVersion, enfòmasyon sa yo estoke sou sèvè nou yo nan yon fòma hache nan bi pou ofri ou fonksyonalite sa a.

Some YouVersion features use your precise location, if you choose to share it, to provide or suggest content and information, like helping you to check-in to an event or suggesting content from organizations nearby. We will call these “location-based features”. To use or access location-based features, you will be provided the option to share your precise location with us and, if you choose to do so, we will use that information solely to provide location-based features, personalize your experience with YouVersion and internally analyze and develop our products and services.

After you first grant us this permission, we will assume we have your consent to process your location in this way until you revoke or limit your permission. You may choose to revoke or limit your permissions for location sharing through the settings of your device.

Si w chwazi pa pataje kote egzak ou a, kèk karakteristik ki gen rapò ak kote yo ka toujou pèmèt pou fonksyonalite limite (pa egzanp, ou ka toujou rechèch manyèlman pou evènman ki bò kote w), men lòt karakteristik sa yo ka pa aksesib pou ou. W ap toujou kapab jwenn aksè ak itilize karakteristik YouVersion ki pa depann sou kote yo.

Nou pataje kote espesifik ou sèlman avèk konsantman ou. Si w chwazi pou zanmi w oswa piblik la wè sèten enfòmasyon ki gen rapò ak kote, ou bay konsantman klè pou nou pataje enfòmasyon sa a ak odyans ou presize a. Ou ka chanje pèmisyon sa a nenpòt ki lè nan paramèt aplikasyon w lan.

Kontni YouVersion.

Nou kolekte fason ou itilize YouVersion ak kontni li yo, tankou demann lapriyè ou yo, chapit Bib la ak plan Bib ou jwenn, ak lang ou chwazi pou itilize kontni sa a. Nou kolekte epi estoke Kontribisyon Itilizatè ou kreye yo, tankou Makè, souliye, ak nòt. Nou pwosesi enfòmasyon sa yo pou pèmèt ou jwenn aksè ak itilize kontni ou kreye oswa ou vle jwenn aksè nan chak sesyon YouVersion.

W ap gen chwa pou w telechaje sèten kontni YouVersion ak kontribisyon itilizatè yo sou aparèy ou an. W ap gen chwa pou w pèmèt YouVersion aksè nan depo aparèy ou an pou ajoute ak modifye kontni telechaje sa a. YouVersion sèlman itilize aksè nan depo aparèy ou an pou telechaje kontni yo mande sa a sou aparèy ou an.

It is your choice whether to create, access, or store YouVersion information and content. If you do, we will store it in association with your Membership account. We may use information about your use of YouVersion and the inferences we make from that use to provide recommendations to you of other YouVersion content. For example, based upon a Bible Plan you complete, we may suggest additional Bible Plans to you. You may opt out of receiving these recommendations by email, as discussed below.

Kominikasyon nou soti pou ou.

Nou kominike avèk ou atravè notifikasyon push, imèl, oswa mesaj nan aplikasyon an. Si nou kominike avèk ou ak imel, ou ka jeneralman dezabònman nan mesaj sa yo atravè lyen an dezabònman nan imel yo bay mesaj sa yo. Ou kapab tou adapte paramèt notifikasyon w yo nenpòt ki lè nan meni anviwònman YouVersion App a oswa lè w vizite

Rekòmandasyon yo ak lòt kominikasyon yo

We use the data we have about you and inferences we make from that data to recommend certain content and functionality as well as additional products and services offered through YouVersion. We may combine the information you provide us with information we collect through other YouVersion services and products and the inferences we make from the same for our internal development to improve the overall quality of all services and products provided by YouVersion. We may also make recommendations to you for other YouVersion services and products based on the information you provide and we infer. We may also use the data we have about you and inferences we make from that data to contact you regarding other opportunities to engage with YouVersion. We may contact you through push notification, email, telephone or in-app messages to discuss these recommendations and opportunities, how to use YouVersion, and other news messages.

Biwo vòt ak sondaj

Pafwa nou fè biwo vòt ak sondaj atravè YouVersion. Ou pa oblije reponn sondaj, epi ou gen chwa sou enfòmasyon ou bay yo. Paske objektif sondaj sa yo ka varye, n ap bay detay ki gen rapò ak divilgasyon ak itilizasyon enfòmasyon pèsonèl yo anrapò ak nenpòt sondaj anvan ou bay nenpòt enfòmasyon.

Pwoblèm sekirite, legal ak teknik

Nou ka itilize enfòmasyon ou yo pou kontakte w konsènan sekirite kont, pwoblèm legal, ak lòt pwoblèm ki gen rapò ak sèvis. Tanpri sonje ke ou pa ka refize resevwa mesaj sa yo nan men nou. Nou ka itilize enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou pou mennen ankèt sou, reponn ak rezoud pwoblèm legal, sekirite ak teknik ak plent, ki gen ladan, jan sa nesesè, rezon sekirite oswa fwod posib, vyolasyon lalwa oswa Kondisyon Itilizasyon nou an oswa Règ sou Konfidansyalite sa a, oswa eseye fè mal; sepandan, ou dakò ke nou pa gen okenn obligasyon pou anpeche oswa kontwole nenpòt nan sa ki pi wo a.


We may use your personal information to provide notice regarding a security incident or data breach, by: (i) sending a message to the email address you provide (as applicable); (ii) posting to a publicly facing page of YouVersion or through an in-app message; (iii) through major statewide media; and/or (iv) telephonic means, including calls and/or text messages, even if sent via automated means including automated dialers. Standard text and data messaging rates may apply from your carrier. Notices sent by email will be effective when we send the email, notices we provide by posting will be effective upon posting and by in-app messaging when the message is made, and notices we provide through telephonic means will be effective when transmitted or dialed. You consent to receiving electronic communications from YouVersion and your use and access of the services provided through YouVersion. It is your responsibility to keep your email address and any other contact information you provide to us current so that we may provide these communications to you.

Analytics ak pèfòmans.

Nou analize entènman data pèsonèl ki disponib pou nou ak itilizasyon kontni YouVersion, ansanm ak dediksyon nou fè apati data sa yo, pou bay ak ajou YouVersion, kominike avèk ou epi pwosesi enfòmasyon jan yo diskite nan Règleman sa a, ak pou analiz entèn tankou kòm yo obsève tandans sosyal, ekonomik, ak jeyografik jan yo konsène kontni YouVersion. Nan kèk ka, nou travay ak twazyèm pati ou fè konfyans pou fè rechèch sa a, anba kontwòl ki fèt pou pwoteje vi prive w, jan yo diskite pi ba a. Nou ka divilge itilizasyon kontni YouVersion nan yon fason total ak enfòmasyon ki pa idantifye ak anonim ki pa divilge okenn itilizatè patikilye oswa enfòmasyon ki idantifye itilizatè sa a. Pou egzanp, nou ka itilize data ou yo pou jenere estatistik sou itilizasyon an jeneral YouVersion atravè lemond oswa nan rejyon jeyografik espesifik oswa nan evènman oswa kote espesifik.

Nou itilize tou data itilizatè de-idantifye ak total pou mache YouVersion, ki gen ladan kominikasyon ki ankouraje abònman YouVersion ak kwasans rezo a, tankou selebre kantite total enstalasyon YouVersion. Lè w wè estatistik nou pataje piblikman tankou angajman mondyal YouVersion, nou asire w ke nou analize epi pibliye data yo nan yon fòm total, pwoteje vi prive w epi kenbe idantite w ak enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou konfidansyèl. Nou itilize data, ki gen ladan enfòmasyon pèsonèl itilizatè yo bay, agrégasyon data itilizatè yo, data kolekte atravè itilizasyon YouVersion, fidbak piblik, ak enfòmasyon ki dedwi nan data sa yo pou fè rechèch ak devlopman entèn yo nan lòd yo bay yon pi bon eksperyans YouVersion an jeneral, mezire a. pèfòmans YouVersion, epi ogmante itilizasyon YouVersion ak karakteristik li yo. Sa a se fè nan fè chanjman nan YouVersion ki jeneralman disponib, osi byen ke voye itilizatè mesaj atravè YouVersion sijere fonksyonalite ak kontni YouVersion.

Data sansib

Lè nou telechaje ak itilize YouVersion, nou pa sipoze ke ou gen nenpòt afilyasyon relijye patikilye oswa ap eksprime nou nenpòt kwayans relijye patikilye; nou senpleman sipoze ke ou enterese nan kontni nou bay la. Nou pa mande pou itilizatè yo bay enfòmasyon sou kwayans sa yo oswa bay nenpòt lòt data sansib tankou ras, etnisite, kwayans filozofik, oswa sante fizik oswa mantal yo sèvi ak YouVersion oswa kreye oswa kenbe yon kont Manm YouVersion.

Kèk karakteristik ki disponib atravè YouVersion itilize enfòmasyon pèsonèl ki ka reflete kwayans relijye oswa filozofik ou. Anvan nou kolekte oswa trete enfòmasyon sa yo pou karakteristik sa yo, nou pral jwenn konsantman eksplisit ou. Anplis de karakteristik sa yo, ou gen kontwòl sou kontni sèten bagay ou kreye, pataje, ak estoke atravè YouVersion, epi si ou ba nou enfòmasyon sansib ak nenpòt kontni ou kreye, pataje, ak magazen, nou pral sipoze nou genyen ou. konsantman pou pwosesi enfòmasyon sa yo.

We will not sell your sensitive personal information, but we may need to share it with third-party service providers that enable us to provide certain app features, and those service providers are required to keep your personal information confidential and only use it to provide us with their services. We will process the sensitive information we collect and inferences we make about the same in accordance with our Privacy Policy and for the purpose of allowing and facilitating your use of those specific app features, to personalize your user experience, to suggest other content and services, and internally to improve our services. If you choose to provide any sensitive information to us, we may use that information with other non-sensitive information you provide to create a more personalized YouVersion experience for you and to perform the services and actions you request, such as sharing or storing content you create. In any event, YouVersion will only process sensitive data you provide to us for YouVersion’s legitimate activities on your behalf and solely in accordance with the terms of this policy and any additional requests you make about the information. We will also maintain your information subject to appropriate safeguards discussed in this policy and otherwise provided by YouVersion.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to our collection and processing of your sensitive personal information by turning off and ceasing to use YouVersion features that use this information or by contacting us via mail at YouVersion, Attn.: YouVersion Support, 4600 E. 2nd St., Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, or by email at; however, withdrawing your consent may hinder our ability to provide certain functionality.

Divilgasyon enfòmasyon w yo

Nou pa vann oswa pataje done pèsonèl ou ak okenn piblisite twazyèm pati oswa rezo anons pou rezon piblisite yo. Nou ka divilge enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou bay twazyèm pati yo nan lòd yo trete enfòmasyon jan sa dekri pi wo a epi otreman pèmèt kapasite nou bay YouVersion, jan yo diskite pi lwen anba a.

Divilgasyon sou non w.

Nou ka divilge enfòmasyon pèsonèl nou kolekte oswa ou bay jan sa dekri nan Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa a pou ranpli obligasyon nou anba Kondisyon Itilizasyon nou yo, pou akonpli objektif ou bay li a, pou nenpòt lòt rezon ou mande lè ou bay enfòmasyon an., oswa pou nenpòt lòt rezon pou nou gen konsantman ou.

Divilgasyon pa ou.

Lè w pataje enfòmasyon atravè YouVersion, ou menm ak nenpòt lòt moun ou chwazi pou pataje enfòmasyon sa yo ka wè. Si w bay lòt aplikasyon ak sèvis aksè nan kont YouVersion ou a, dapre apwobasyon w, sèvis sa yo ta gen aksè a enfòmasyon ou pataje yo. Itilizasyon, koleksyon, ak pwoteksyon done ou pa sèvis twazyèm pati sa yo sijè a règleman twazyèm pati sa yo.

Divilgasyon entèn.

We will process your personal data internally within YouVersion and its affiliates to help combine the personal information covered across the different aspects of YouVersion and our other products and services to help provide services to you in a manner that is personalized and useful to you and others.

Founisè sèvis ak lokal yo.

Nou ka divilge enfòmasyon pèsonèl ke nou kolekte oswa ou bay jan sa dekri nan Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa a bay kontraktè, founisè sèvis, ak lòt twazyèm pati nou itilize pou sipòte YouVersion (tankou hosting nwaj, founisè bonbon, antretyen, analiz, odit, maketing ekstèn, peman, deteksyon fwod, ak devlopman), osi byen ke pou sipòte operasyon nou yo (tankou kominike avèk ou pou rezon potansyèl travay). Nou ka konbine enfòmasyon nou genyen ak enfòmasyon founisè sèvis sa yo pou fasilite sipò yo. Pou egzanp, kèk nan platfòm yo itilize pou voye imèl ak notifikasyon yo bay atravè YouVersion yo bati ak jere pa twazyèm pati, kidonk kèk nan enfòmasyon ou yo voye an sekirite nan sèvis sa yo bay fonksyonalite sa yo. Yo pral gen aksè a enfòmasyon ou sèlman jan rezonab nesesè pou fè travay sa yo sou non nou epi yo oblije pa divilge oswa itilize li pou lòt rezon. Nou ka bay tou enfòmasyon total, de-idantifye konsènan koneksyon pa itilizatè YouVersion ak twazyèm pati ak evènman yo oswa kote yo.

Founisè kontni YouVersion.

Nou itilize sèten twazyèm pati pou bay sèten kontni YouVersion, tankou Plan Bib la. Nou pa pataje enfòmasyon pèsonèl itilizatè YouVersion ak twazyèm pati sa yo. Sepandan, nou bay twazyèm pati sa yo ak analiz total konsènan itilizasyon kontni yo pa peyi lè l sèvi avèk data ki pa idantifye ak anonim.

Kapasite nou pou bay diferan vèsyon Bib la nan diferan lang se yon rezilta ak sijè a akò ant nou menm ak kèk sosyete biblik ak pwoklamatè, ke nou pral rele "YouVersion Bible Providers." Akò lisans nou genyen ak kèk Founisè YouVersion Bible sèlman pèmèt nou bay itilizatè YouVersion kapasite pou telechaje sèten tèks Bib la pou itilize offline si nou bay Founisè YouVersion Bible non itilizatè a, adrès imel, ak peyi pou kominikasyon nan lavni. Si sa a se ka a ak yon tèks w ap chèche telechaje pou itilize offline, nou pral (i) sèlman pataje enfòmasyon sa a ak YouVersion Bible Provider la pou vèsyon offline ou mande a; (ii) fè sa sou yon baz konfidansyèl epi sèlman si YouVersion Bible Provider la dakò kenbe enfòmasyon nou pataje sou ou konfidansyèl; epi (iii) bay ou yon èd memwa adisyonèl kòm yon rapèl tèm sa yo, ke ou dwe dakò ak nan moman sa a yo nan lòd yo kontinye ak telechajman ou a. Si w pa dakò ak enstriksyon adisyonèl sa a, ou ka kontinye sèvi ak vèsyon tèks la sou entènèt. Yo p ap pataje okenn lòt enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou ak okenn Founisè Labib YouVersion epi yo p ap pataje okenn enfòmasyon jiskaske ou bay apwobasyon èd memwa nou an, ki pral ba w aksè pou telechaje vèsyon offline sa a. Entèaksyon w ak nenpòt founisè YouVersion Bible se sèlman nan mitan ou ak founisè YouVersion Bible sa a.

Pwosesis legal.

It is possible that we will need to disclose information about you when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process. We attempt to notify Users about legal demands for their personal data when appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order or when the request is an emergency. We may dispute such demands when we believe, in our discretion, that the requests are overbroad, vague, or lack proper authority, but we do not promise to challenge every demand. We may also disclose your information if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (ii) enforce our agreements with you; (iii) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; (iv) protect the security or integrity of YouVersion; or (v) exercise or protect the rights and safety of YouVersion, Users, our personnel, or others. We also reserve the right to confidentially disclose personal information we have about you in connection with a potential or actual merger or acquisition such as the sale of all or substantially all of our assets.

Efase, Aksè ak Korije Enfòmasyon Ou yo

Ki jan yo fè demann ou yo.

Pou data pèsonèl nou genyen sou ou, ou ka mande sa ki annapre yo:

  • Deletion: You may ask us to erase or delete all or some of your personal data. Please note that doing so may limit your ability to use certain functionality of YouVersion. Please note that an email address is required to have a Member account to ensure we can properly authenticate potential users of that account.
  • Correction/Modification: You may edit some of your personal data through your account or ask us to change, update, or fix your data in certain cases, including if it is inaccurate.
  • Object to, or Limit or Restrict, Use of Data: You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data or to limit our use of it.
  • Right to Access and/or Take Your Data: You can ask us for a copy of or disclosure concerning your personal data you provided to us.

Certain laws may provide the right to make these and additional requests concerning your personal information. If you have provided us with personal information and wish to make such a request under a specific region’s law, include the phrase “[Your State/Country] Privacy Request” in the subject line of your request and send your request via email to or via mail to YouVersion, attn.: YouVersion Support, 4600 E. 2nd St., Edmond, Oklahoma 73034.

Nou mande pou moun ki fè demann yo idantifye tèt yo avèk omwen non, adrès, ak adrès imel yo epi idantifye enfòmasyon yo mande pou jwenn aksè, korije, oswa retire anvan nou pwosesi demann lan. Nou ka chèche plis enfòmasyon pou verifye idantite yon moun ki fè demann lan. Nou ka refize pwosesi demann tou si nou pa ka verifye idantite moun ki fè demann lan oswa si nou kwè demann lan pral mete an danje vi prive lòt moun, vyole nenpòt lwa oswa egzijans legal, ta lakòz enfòmasyon an pa kòrèk, oswa pou yon rezon lejitim menm jan an.

Nou p ap fè diskriminasyon kont ou paske w ap egzèse nenpòt dwa w dapre lalwa ki aplikab yo. Nou pa chaje yon frè pou pwosesi oswa reponn a demann verifye ou sof si li twòp, repete, oswa manifestement san fondman. Si nou detèmine ke demann lan jistifye yon frè, n ap di w poukisa nou te pran desizyon sa a epi ba w yon estimasyon pri anvan w ranpli demann ou an.

Kèk enfòmasyon ou te kreye, resevwa, oswa itilize nan YouVersion ka pa disponib nan yon fòm ka itilize deyò YouVersion. Kòm yon rezilta, lè ou mande yon kopi enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou, nou pral kapab bay enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou te ba nou, tankou non ou, adrès, nimewo telefòn ou ak bagay sa yo; sepandan, nou ka pa kapab ba ou kontni ak Kontribisyon Itilizatè ki itilize fonksyon YouVersion.

Efase kont ou.

You can delete your YouVersion account at any time using the settings function in YouVersion; however, when you delete your account we will delete the information associated with your account such as Notes, Bookmarks and other User Contributions you have created, received or shared. If you do not want to delete your account or this information, but want to temporarily stop using YouVersion, you may cease using the YouVersion application and we will maintain your account and the information associated with your account until you resume use or delete your account, whichever comes first.

Si w chwazi efase kont ou a oswa mande pou nou modifye oswa efase enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou, n ap efase epi netwaye enfòmasyon pèsonèl nou te estoke sou ou nan yon fason ki pa ka chanje elektwonikman, sepandan, nou ka kenbe data pèsonèl ou si nou genyen yon legal dwa oswa obligasyon pou kenbe enfòmasyon an oswa satisfè kondisyon regilasyon, rezoud diskisyon, kenbe sekirite, anpeche fwod ak abi, ranfòse dwa nou yo, oswa ranpli nenpòt lòt demann nan men ou (pa egzanp, refize nou bay lòt mesaj oswa pou yon kopi. nan data ou). Sinon, si ou mande pou nou efase kont ou a, n ap efase kont ou ak tout enfòmasyon nou genyen ki asosye ak kont ou, eksepte estatistik total ki baze sou enfòmasyon ki pa idantifye ak dediksyon nou te fè (pa egzanp, reyalite a. ke ou telechaje YouVersion, san yo pa idantifye ou oswa kenbe enfòmasyon pèsonèl ki asosye ak kont sa a).

Our deletion of your information and account will generally take no more than fourteen days from your request; however, cached information may take up to thirty days to delete. Please note that we have no control of information you have shared with others through YouVersion after you close your account or asked to delete information or attempted to delete your account yourself. Your information and content you have shared may continue to be displayed in the services of others (for example, search engine results) until they refresh their cache.

Sekirite ak Pwoteksyon

Nou aplike sekirite sekirite ki fèt pou pwoteje data ou yo. Men sa yo enkli sèvi ak chifreman pou data ou yo pandan y ap transmèt yo ant aparèy ou an oswa navigatè ak sèvè nou yo epi pandan li an rès. Data yo ba nou atravè YouVersion yo estoke tou nan yon sistèm jesyon enfrastrikti ki sètifye ISO 27017, sa vle di yo te odit epi yo jwenn li an konfòmite ak kondisyon ki nan estanda sistèm jesyon ISO 27017, yon kòd pratik entènasyonalman rekonèt pou kontwòl sekirite enfòmasyon pou. sèvis nwaj yo.

Sepandan, bay nati kominikasyon ak teknoloji enfòmasyon yo, e ke itilizasyon entènèt la gen risk nannan, byenke nou regilyèman kontwole frajilite posib ak atak, nou pa ka garanti oswa garanti enfòmasyon yo ba nou atravè YouVersion oswa ki estoke nan sistèm nou yo oswa otreman yo pral absoliman gratis nan entrizyon san otorizasyon pa lòt moun, ni nou ka garanti oswa garanti ke data sa yo pa ka jwenn aksè, divilge, chanje, oswa detwi pa vyolasyon nenpòt nan pwoteksyon fizik, teknik, oswa administrasyon nou yo.

Timoun ki poko gen 16 an.

Nou pa kolekte enfòmasyon pèsonèl nan men okenn moun nou konnen aktyèlman ki poko gen 16 an san konsantman paran oswa gadyen legal minè sa a.

Yon paran oswa yon gadyen ka dakò pou yo itilize kont YouVersion yo pa yon minè sou pwofil prensipal paran oswa gadyen an oswa yon pwofil segondè nan kont paran/gadyen an nan platfòm la ke yo rekonèt kòm Bible App for Kids. Si ou ta pèmèt pitit minè ou a sèvi ak kont ou (kwa atravè pwofil ou oswa yon pwofil Bible App for Kids), ou dwe sèlman responsab pou bay sipèvizyon sou itilizasyon YouVersion minè a epi pran tout responsablite pou entèpretasyon ak itilizasyon nenpòt enfòmasyon. oswa sijesyon yo bay atravè YouVersion.

To create a secondary profile, you will be required to access your account with your User information and will have sole control over that Bible App for Kids profile. We do not require that you disclose any personally-identifiable information about your minor child to us to create a Bible App for Kids profile. When setting up a profile for your minor child, you are required to provide a “Child’s Name” to identify the account; however, this name can be whatever you choose and you are not required to provide your minor child’s actual first or last name.

Where you associate your minor child’s information with your account, we will assume you consent to our processing of that information in accordance with this policy and other privacy notices and terms we may provide to you from time to time. If you allow your minor child to use YouVersion, we ask that you discuss the risks of sharing personal information on the Internet with your children and require that they refrain from communicating with any third parties or share any personal information with YouVersion or YouVersion users. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 16, please contact us at

Pwosesis data yo

Nou pral sèlman kolekte epi pwosesi data pèsonèl sou ou kote nou gen baz legal. Baz legal yo enkli konsantman (kote ou te bay konsantman), kontra, ak lòt enterè lejitim. Enterè lejitim sa yo gen ladan pwoteksyon pou ou, nou, lòt Manm, ak twazyèm pati; pou respekte lalwa aplikab; pou pèmèt ak administre biznis nou an; jere tranzaksyon antrepriz; jeneralman konprann ak amelyore pwosesis entèn nou yo ak relasyon itilizatè yo; epi pou pèmèt nou menm ak lòt itilizatè YouVersion konekte avèk ou pou fè echanj enfòmasyon, depi sa ki endike anwo a byen pwoteje dwa ou ak libète ou.

Kote nou konte sou konsantman ou pou pwosesi data pèsonèl, ou ka retire oswa refize konsantman ou epi kote nou konte sou enterè lejitim, ou ka fè objeksyon. Si w gen nenpòt kesyon sou baz legal nou kolekte epi itilize data pèsonèl ou, tanpri kontakte nou nan

Sòf si ou efase li lè l sèvi avèk YouVersion, jeneralman nou konsève epi pwosesi enfòmasyon ak Kontribisyon Itilizatè ki asosye ak kont ou epi sèvi ak li pou fasilite fonksyonalite YouVersion jiskaske kont ou efase. Ou ka jere, chanje, epi efase enfòmasyon ak Kontribisyon Itilizatè yo lè l sèvi avèk, lè w limite karakteristik espesifik aplikasyon an, oswa lè w kontakte nou nan adrès postal oswa adrès imel ki endike anwo a, epi nou pral itilize epi pwosesi enfòmasyon sa yo pou bay YouVersion fonksyonalite ou ka mande jiskaske ou efase li epi pandan tout tan ou genyen YouVersion.

Koleksyon Enfòmasyon Twazyèm Pati

Tanpri sonje ke YouVersion ka genyen lyen ki mennen nan lòt sitwèb oswa aplikasyon. Ou responsab pou revize deklarasyon konfidansyalite ak règleman lòt sitwèb sa yo ou chwazi pou konekte ak YouVersion, pou ou ka konprann kijan sit entènèt sa yo kolekte, itilize, epi estoke enfòmasyon ou yo. Nou pa responsab pou deklarasyon konfidansyalite yo, règleman yo, oswa kontni lòt sitwèb oswa aplikasyon, ki gen ladan sit entènèt ou konekte ak oswa soti nan YouVersion. Sitwèb ki gen ko-branding (ki fè referans a non nou ak non yon twazyèm pati) genyen kontni twazyèm pati a ki te delivre epi pa nou.

If you choose to link YouVersion with other websites, applications, and services or profiles you have with third-party applications, you will provide the personal data stored on those applications to YouVersion. For example, you may start a new YouVersion Membership account by linking your Facebook account to YouVersion, providing personal information you have opted to share through Facebook to YouVersion. You may revoke the link with such accounts and third-party applications by modifying your settings with those applications.

Itilizatè ki soti andeyò Etazini

YouVersion baze soti nan Oklahoma nan peyi Etazini ak itilizasyon ou nan YouVersion ak Règ sou Konfidansyalite sa a gouvène pa lwa Etazini ak Eta Oklahoma. Si w ap itilize YouVersion ki soti andeyò eta oswa peyi sa a, tanpri sonje ke enfòmasyon ou yo ka transfere nan, estoke, ak trete Ozetazini kote sèvè nou yo ye ak baz done santral nou an ap opere. Nou pwosesi data tou de andedan ak deyò nan peyi Etazini epi konte sou angajman kontra ant nou menm ak konpayi transfere data pèsonèl ki mande pwoteksyon ak sekirite nan data sa yo. Pwoteksyon data ak lòt lwa Eta Oklahoma, Etazini ak lòt peyi yo ta ka pa osi konplè ke sa ki nan eta oswa peyi w la. Lè w sèvi ak YouVersion, ou dakò pou yo transfere enfòmasyon ou yo nan enstalasyon nou yo ak nan enstalasyon twazyèm pati sa yo ak ki moun nou pataje yo, jan sa dekri nan Règ sou Konfidansyalite sa a.

Chanjman nan Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive nou an

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices. YouVersion is consistently seeking new and improved ways to offer YouVersion and increase engagement. As we improve YouVersion, this may mean the collection of new data or new ways to use data. Because YouVersion is dynamic, and we continuously seek to offer new features, we may require changes in our collection or processing of information. If we collect materially different personal data or materially change how we use your data, we will update this Privacy Policy.

Nou pral poste nenpòt chanjman nan Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive nou an sou paj sa a. Si nou fè chanjman materyèl nan fason nou pwosesi enfòmasyon pèsonèl itilizatè nou yo, n ap bay yon avi ke Règ sou enfòmasyon prive yo te mete ajou. Yo idantifye dat Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive yo dènye modifye nan kòmansman Règleman an. Ou responsab pou asire nou gen yon adrès imel ki aktif e ki ka bay ki ajou pou ou, epi pou vizite Règ sou Konfidansyalite sa a detanzantan pou tcheke pou nenpòt chanjman.

Achiv vèsyon yo.

April 02, 2022

02 avril 2020

Enfòmasyon sou kontak

To ask questions or comment about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices, you may contact us at to YouVersion, Attn.: YouVersion Support, 4600 E. 2nd St., Edmond, Oklahoma 73034; or at