YouVersion Règleman Prive

Dènye fwa l te modifye se 2 Avril, 2020

Jan sa ekri anba a, vèsyon Règleman ki an Anglè a sou Règleman Prive ak Tèm Itilizasyon an ap gouvène relasyon w avèk YouVersion. Pandan vèsyon Anglè a ap gouvène, ou ka itilize yon zouti tradiksyon otomatik tankou Google Translate pou wè dokiman yo nan lang pa w la. Nenpòt lòt revizyon tradiksyon ki gen pou fèt ap parèt sou paj sa a.

Enpòtan: Tanpri Li sa Avan

Lavi nou plen reponsabilite fanmi, travay, angajman sosyal ak anpil lòt bagay. Anpil nan nou konte sou telefòn entèlijan yo e lòt aparèy dijital yo pou ede nou jere responsabilite nou genyen chak jou yo e pou n ka ret konekte.

Nan ane ki 2006 pasé yon dinamik aktif kominote nan lafwa, Legliz Life Church te kòmanse eksplore fason ke nou ta ka ede moun pran avantaj de avansman teknoloji pou fè eksperyans Bib la nan yon fason ki ta mennen chanjman nan lavi ou. Sa vini pémet nou kreye YouVersion App Bib la, se youn nan premye 200 apps gratis nan sto ApApple a lè li te lanse nan 2008.

Kòm de plis an plis moun kòmanse sèvi avèk YouVersion, nou rekonèt valè nan ede moun eksplore lafwa yo nan yon kominote ak objektif pou pataje et grandi relasyon yo avèk Bondye nan yon fason ki asire san danje et sécurisé .

YouVersion se byen plis pase jis yon lektè elektwonik ki pèmèt ou li Bib la sou telefòn ou. Chak pwodwi ak sèvis ke nou bay, nou fabrike li ak anpil swen et entansyonèl, nan konsepsyon chak karakteristik ka ede ou pouswiv yon relasyon pi fon ak Bondye, avek eksplore kesyon nan lafwa ou nan yon plas ki gin sekirite, tout nan kontèks yon kminote ou fè konfyans nan chwa ou. Se konsa, ou chwazi ki sa ou gen aksè. Ou chwazi sa ou pataje, epi ak ki moun. Done ou se pou ou. YouVersion pa vann enfòmasyon ou, ni nou pral pataje li avèk lòt moun san konsantman ou.

Chak aspè ki nan YouVersion ke nou ofri, nou bay li konplètman gratis, ki pa gen okenn cod atache ak pa gen okenn piblisite: gratis pou itilizatè endividyèl, ak gratis pou tout lot patné. Ki jan nou ka fè sa? Kòm yon misyon dijital nan Life Church’ Legliz, YouVersion sipòte nan gwo pati ki soti nan Life.Church bidjè jeneral la ak tou nan kontribisyon nan men itilizatè endividyèl yo ki vle patisipe nan misyon nou an pou ede moun itilize teknoloji fè eksperyans Bib la ak wè lavi yo chanje ... .

Tanpri li Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa avek anpil atansyon paske li diskite sou fason nou pral kolekte, itilize, pataje, ak pwosesis enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou.


Bwef Apesi

Lew gen aksè a YouVersion ou dakò ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive sa a ak tèm li yo ak konsantman yo gen done ou transfere ak pwosesis nan Etazini yo. Sèvi ak YouVersion tou sou eglemen pa nu an Regleman pou Itilize . Tanpri, li tèm sa yo tou ak anpilatansyon.

Sa la se yon rezime de kisa ou kapab espere jwenn nan règleman sou enfòmasyon prive nou an, ki kouvri tout pwodwi YouVersion- ak sèvis:

Ki jan nou itilize done ou pou fè eksperyans YouVersion ou plis pèsonèl.

Règleman sa a pou souliyin ki kalite enfòmasyon de done ou nou lekte soti nan entèraksyon ou a ak YouVersion, osi byen ke ki jan nou travay sou enfòmasyon sa a amelyore eksperyans YouVersion ou. Lè ou kreye yon kont YouVersion oswa itilize nenpòt youn nan aplikasyon nou an oswa sit, enfòmasyon nou kolekte a se nan bi pou yo ofri yon eksperyans plis pèsonalize.

Your privacy protected.

Nou pran enfòmasyon prive ou ok lot enfòmasyon ke nou kolekte seryezman e nou aplike pwoteksyon sekirite ki fèt pou pwoteje done ou jan yo diskite anba a . Nou pa pataje done ki idantifye moun pèsonèlman ou ak nenpòt ki piblisite twazyèm-pati oswa rezo anons pou rezon piblisite twazyèm-pati.

Se experyans ou.

Ou gen chwa sou ki jan de enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou ak lot aksè, ki kolekte, pataje, ak ki sere nan Life.Church, ki diskite anba a . Ou pral fè chwa sou itilizasyon nou yo ak pwosesis enfòmasyon ou yo lè ou fèk te angaje YouVersion ak lè ou angaje sèten fonctionnalités YouVersion epi yo ka tou fè sèten chwa nan meni an anviwònman ou YouVersion kont menb ou nan

Nou ap akeyi tout kesyon yo ak kòmantè yo.

Nou ap akeyi nenpòt kesyon oswa kòmantè ou ka genyin sou règleman privé ou sou enfòmasyon ak pratik nou yo. Si ou gen nenpòt kesyon oswa kòmantè, ou ka kontakte nou pa lapòs nan Life.Church, Attn .: Sipò YuVersion, 4600 E. 2nd St, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, oswa pa imèl nan <a> ,.</a>

Kote ke YouVersion bay ou lòt tradiksyon pase vèsyon nan lang angle a ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon privé ou. Lè sa a, ou dakò ke tradiksyon an te bay pou konvenyans ou sèlman epi vèsyon nan lang angle Règlemaa sou enfòmasyon prive pral gouvène relasyon ou avèk YouVersion. Si gen nenpòt kontradiksyon ant sa ke vèsyon nan lang angle ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive ya di ak sa yon tradiksyon di, Lè sa a, vèsyon ki lang angle ya va pran priyorite.


Pou fè dokiman sa a pi fasil pou li, nou pral sèvi ak kèk stenè nan tout. Pou egzanp, lè nou di "YouVersion," nou ap pale de:

YouVersion pwodwi yo opéré et posède pa Life.Church. Operasyon legliz, LLC, ke nou refere kom "Life Church," "nou," oswa "nou" nan tout politik sa a. Nou pèmèt ou sèvi ak YouVersion itilzatè ki pa anrejistre, ke nou rele "Vizitè," kòm byen ke itilizatè ki anrejistre, oswa "Menb." Lè nou al gade tou de nan règleman sa a, nou pral itilize tèm "Itilizatè yo" oswa "ou."

Enfòmasyon Nou Kolekte ak kijan nou kolekte li

Enfòmasyon nou kolekte depann de sèvis yo ak fonctionnalités ou mande. Ou ka refize soumèt enfòmasyon pèsonèl ou; sepandan, saka entèdi nou nan kapasite Ou bie akse p genyin sèten sèvis YouVersion avek fonctionnalités. Enfòmasyon pèsonèl nou kolekte ak bi pou ki nou itilize enfòmasyon sa a dekri anba a.

Enfòmasyon Pèsonèl Ou Bay Nou.

Ou pa bezwen enskri pou yon kont menb pou itilize YouVersion. Sepandan, Menb pèmèt ou jwen Versyon yo yon eksperyans plis pèsonalize. Pou kreye yon kont menb YouVersion, nou mande pou ou bay yon non, siyati, ak yon adrès imel ki valab. Nou pral sèvi ak enfòmasyon sa a asosye ou ak espesifik ou YouVersion Menb kont. Apre ou te kreye yon kont Menb YouVersion, ou ka chwazi tou pou bay sèks ou, laj, sit entènèt, deskripsyon kote w ye a, yon biyografi kout, yon foto pwofil, ak lòt enfòmasyon ou chwazi pou bay. Tout moun sa yo, si yo bay, ap asosye tou ak kont ou.

O delà de enfòmasyon pèsonèl yo kolekte pou kreye yon kon Menb, ou gen chwa sou ki enfòmasyon adisyonèl ou bay nou. Nou kolekte done pèsonèl nan men ou lè ou bay, afiche, oswa Telechaje li nan ouVersion. Ou pa bezwen bay enfòmasyon sa a; sepandan, si ou pa fè sa, li ka limite kapasite pou pèrsonalize YouVersion ak kapasite w nan sèvi ak YouVersion nan tout mezi li yo. Fonksyonman espesifik YouVersion pou ki ou ka bay ak nou ka travay sou enfòmasyon ou se diskite anba a .

Kontribisyon itilizatè ou an.

YouVersion pèmèt itilizatè yo pibliye, distribye, epi montre sèten kontni (nou, al gade nan ki kòm "afiche" ak kontni an kòm "à fiche"). ka fè sou zòn piblik nan YouVersion, sit entènèt, ak kont medya sosyal ou jwenn aksè nan YouVersion, oswa transmèt bay lòt itilizatè yo nan YouVersion oswa twazyèm pati ou chwazi konekte ak sou tribin lòt oswa sèvis yo. Pou egzanp, sa a ta gen ladan fè kòmantè sou pòs yon zanmi oswa kreye ak pataje yon imaj Verse. YouVersion tou pèmèt ou kreye sèten kontni yo dwe konsève nan kont ou, tankou yon nòt oswa Bookmark nan yon vèsè Bib, kèk nan yo ki ou ka tou afiche bay bay lòt moun. Nou pral rele tout nan kontni an ki te kreye pa ou, si ou pa afiche, "Itilizatè kontribisyon."

Kontribisyon pou Itilizatè nou yo rive fasilite kapasite w pou itilize, magazen, ak distribye Kontribisyon menm jan ou ka chwazi a. Nou pral asosye Itilizatè kontribisyon an ak kont ou osi lontan ke ou chwazi pou ou pa efase yo. Tanpri kenbe nan tèt ou ke si ou divilge enfòmasyon pèsonèl nan yon fason piblik, si nan afich kolaborasyon, medya sosyal, tablo mesaj, oswa lòt fowòm piblik sou entènèt, enfòmasyon sa a ka kolekte epi itilize pa lòt moun.

User Contributions ki afiche epi ki transmèt sou pwòp risk ou

. Nou pa ka kontwole aksyon yo nan lòt itilizatè oswa twazyèm pati ak ki moun ou chwazi pou ou pataje kontribisyon itilizatè ou an. Se poutèt sa, nou pa kapab epi yo pa garanti ke ou pataje itilizatè Kontribisyon pa pral wè pa oswa itilize nan yon fason san otorizasyon, ni nou aksepte nenpòt responsablite ki asosye ak kontribisyon Itilizatè ou.

Bay ak Don.

Si ou chwazi bay yon don volontè nan YouVersion oswa yon sit entènèt twazyèm-pati lye a YouVersion, Lè sa a, ak sèlman Lè sa a, ou pral pouse ak oblije bay kat kredi, kont labank, ak lòt enfòmasyon peman ki nesesè nan pwosesis tranzaksyon an. Nou pral kolekte deziyasyon an pou don ou, si ou bay yon sèl, kòm byen ke enfòmasyon pèsonèl tankou non ou, adrès, nimewo telefòn, ak / oswa adrès imel asire ke se don ou itilize pou objektif la ou mande ak bay ou ... ak yon "Deklaasyon Anyèl Bay" ki itemizes don ou (s) pou rezon taks oswa itilizasyon pèsonèl ou. Nou pa pral magazen oswa otreman travay sou enfòmasyon finansye yo bay nou sou entènèt pou rezon yo fè yon don. Kòm nan dat sa a Règleman, nou itilize reye oswa PayPal nan pwosesis peman donasyon sou entènèt ou. Pou enfòmasyon sou ki jan twazyèm pati sa yo pwosesis enfòmasyon ou, tanpri al gade nan règleman sou vi prive yo, ki ka jwenn isit la:;

Komunikasyon de ou ak nou.

Nou kolekte enfòmasyon sou ou lè ou voye, resevwa, oswa angaje ak mesaj nan men nou, ki gen ladan lè ou soumèt enfòmasyon pèsonèl oswa demann pa Hamelin ede @ oswa atravè sit entènèt la . Nou kenbe sa yo kominikasyon nan pwosesis demann ou an, reponn a demann ou an, ak amelyore YouVersion ak sèvis nou yo.

Otomatik Done Koleksyon teknoloji

Lew dakò ak Règleman sou enfòmasyon prive nou an, ou dakò pou sèvi ak bonbon ak teknoloji ki sanble (pa egzanp, alèt entènèt, piksèl, Tags, ak idantifyan aparèy ki nou kolektivman refere a kòm "bonbon") jan sa dekri nan règleman sa a. Si ou itilize YouVersion san yo pa chanje navigatè ou a oswa anviwònman aparèy a enfim bonbon, nou pral asime ke ou konsanti yo resevwa tout bonbon de YouVersion.

Bonbon ak lòt teknoloji ki sanble.

We use cookies to recognize you and/or your device(s) on, off, and across the different applications of YouVersion. Cookies help to facilitate the best possible user experience of YouVersion as they allow us to recognize you and maintain your user preferences from session to session, help us keep your account safe, and generally improve the functionality of the products and services offered through YouVersion. They also help us ensure that Member information is used in association with the correct Member account. Importantly, we do


use cookies or similar technologies to facilitate interest-based ads for third-party goods or services.

We use cookies to collect details of your use of YouVersion (including traffic data, IP location data, logs, browser type, browser language, the functionality requested, and the timing of your requests), and other communication data and the resources that you access, use, and create on or through YouVersion. We use this information to provide a tailored YouVersion experience for you and to communicate with you more effectively. The information is also collected to determine the aggregate number of unique devices using YouVersion and/or parts of YouVersion, track total usage, analyze usage data, and improve YouVersion functionality for all Members and Visitors. We may combine this information to provide you with a better experience and to improve the quality of our service. Generally, we maintain the data we collect from cookies for 21 days but may save it for a longer period where necessary such as when required by law or for technical reasons.

Although most internet browsers accept cookies by default, you can control these types of technology through your browser settings and similar tools and agree to refuse cookies altogether. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser or device, but if you do so, you may be unable to access certain parts of YouVersion, you will prohibit us from delivering the full capability of YouVersion, and you may prevent the use of certain features and services that require these technologies.

Life.Church cannot regulate other sites, content, or applications linked or provided from within YouVersion or our various other websites and services that are provided by third parties, including your device manufacturer, and your mobile service provider. These third parties may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data, or solicit personal information from you. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and across different websites, apps, and other online services. These third parties may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) targeted content. We do not control these third parties' tracking technologies or how they may be used. If you have any questions about targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.

Attribution Providers.

We advertise YouVersion on third party sites such as Facebook and Google and use third-party software development kits (“SDKs”) to attribute a download of YouVersion to the advertisement placed on the third-party site. We may provide these third parties with aggregate, de-identified information concerning ads placed on their sites and YouVersion downloads that result from those ads. We do not sell your personal information to any third parties nor allow our SDK service providers to sell your personal information to third parties or use your personal information to solicit the sale of third-party goods or services.

Device ID and Location and Network Access.

When you access or leave YouVersion websites, we receive the URL of both the site you came from and the one you go to next. We also get information about your proxy server, operating system, web browser and add-ons, device identifier and features, and/or your ISP or mobile carrier when you use YouVersion. We also receive data from your devices and networks, including your IP address.

We use the IP addresses we collect from our users to process them with public latitude and longitude information related to your Internet Service Provider or mobile service provider in order to determine and, in some instances, depict in an aggregate and de-identified manner the approximate geographic region for each instance of YouVersion use. This latitude and longitude information is stored by us for approximately seven days for troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes, but is never associated with any information about you or that would identify you personally.

If you use YouVersion from a mobile device and if you desire to use the Events feature, you will be prompted to grant permission for YouVersion to access and receive information from that device related to your GPS location in order to find Events near you, as outlined below. We do not share any of your personally identifiable information along with your device identification or location without your explicit permission. You do not have to provide this information; however, if you do not, it may limit your ability to use Events to its fullest extent.

We also collect and use the wireless (or “WiFi”) permissions of your mobile device to determine if you are connected to a WiFi or cellular network. This information is used to provide an optimized user experience by providing higher resolution media to a user who is on a high-speed WiFi connection rather than a cellular network. WiFi permissions are also used for casting content with Chromecast and similar devices. This information is not stored or shared by YouVersion.

Koman Nou Itilize Enfòmasyon ou yo

We use data that we collect about you and that you provide to us as well as the inferences we make from that information as follows:

  • To provide, support, and personalize YouVersion and the YouVersion functionality you request;
  • To create, maintain, customize, and secure your YouVersion account, if any;
  • To process your requests and respond to your inquiries;
  • To provide information on other YouVersion products or services;
  • To maintain the safety, security, and integrity of YouVersion and the infrastructure that facilitates use of YouVersion;
  • For internal development of YouVersion and our other products and services;
  • For internal analysis of use of YouVersion;
  • To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it;
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights under applicable law, including our rights and obligations under this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use;
  • As described in this Privacy Policy;
  • In any other way we may describe when you provide the information; and
  • For any other purpose with your consent.


We use the personal information you provide to create and maintain your Membership account. We also use this information to authorize and authenticate your access to your account. We store this information and information pertaining to your use of YouVersion in connection with your Membership account for so long as you are a Member. For example, your first and last name and email address will be stored and used by us in connection with your account name or auto-generated account ID to authenticate you as the correct user of your account. We will also store your User Contributions in association with your Member account to allow you to access, re-access, post, and otherwise utilize your User Contributions as you choose.


YouVersion will allow you to communicate and connect with other YouVersion users to share Bible verses, User Contributions, and other content. It is your choice whether to communicate or connect with another Member and to share your information or User Contributions.

To facilitate your connections with other YouVersion Members, you will be given the choice of whether to share with us the contact information stored on your device. You do not have to share this information to use YouVersion or to connect with any particular Member. If you decide to share this information with us, it will only be used to try and associate your contacts with other YouVersion Members to create potential YouVersion connections and will only be stored by us for so long as you have a YouVersion Member account. When you grant access to your contacts on your device for the purpose of friend suggestions, notification of when a contact joins, or sending an invite to YouVersion, that information is stored on our servers in a hashed format for the purpose of offering you this functionality.


YouVersion Events allows you to locate nearby churches, etc. that have designated their services as an Event, enabling you to follow along with the provided content, take notes, and save your own copy of content for future reference. Associating these Events with your location requires access to and use of your GPS location.

When you first choose to use our Events feature, you will be provided the option to share your GPS location with us, and if you opt to provide your GPS location, we will use that information solely to provide a listing of Events near you. GPS location information is stored by us for approximately seven days for troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes, but is never stored in our database in association with any particular YouVersion Member Account. Once your particular session of use of the Events feature ends, we will cease to receive information related to your GPS location unless you access the Events feature again. After you first use the Events feature and consent to the use of your GPS location, we will assume we have that consent during subsequent use of the Events feature unless you revoke that consent through the settings of your device or in the Events feature in the Bible app.

If you choose not to share your GPS location, you may still use the Events feature, but you will need to search for an Event manually by name, organization, city, country, or other distinguishing search terms.

YouVersion Content.

We collect the manner in which you use YouVersion and its content, such as your Prayer requests, the Bible chapters and Bible Plans that you access, and the language in which you choose to utilize that content. We also collect and store the User Contributions you create, such as Bookmarks, Highlights, and Notes. We process this information to allow you to access and use content you create or wish to access through each YouVersion session.

You will have the choice of whether to download certain YouVersion content and User Contributions to your device. You will have the choice of whether to allow YouVersion access to your device’s storage to add and modify this downloaded content. Access to the storage of your device is only used by YouVersion for downloading this requested content to your device.

It is your choice whether to create, access, or store YouVersion information and content. If you do, we will store it in association with your Membership account. We may use information about your use of YouVersion and the inferences we make from that use to provide recommendations to you of other YouVersion or Life.Church content. For example, based upon a Bible Plan you complete, we may suggest additional Bible Plans to you. You may opt out of receiving these recommendations by email, as discussed below.

Communications from Us to You.

We communicate with you through push notification, email, or in-app messages. If we communicate to you with email, you may generally unsubscribe to these messages via the unsubscribe link in the emails providing these messages. You can also tailor your notification settings at any time within the Settings menu of the YouVersion Bible App or by visiting


We use the data we have about you and inferences we make from that data to recommend certain content and functionality as well as additional products and services offered through YouVersion. We may combine the information you provide us with information we collect through other Life.Church services and products and the inferences we make from the same for our internal development to improve the overall quality of all services and products provided by Life.Church. We may also make recommendations to you for other Life.Church services and products based on the information you provide and we infer. We may contact you through push notification, email, or in-app messages to discuss these recommendations, how to use YouVersion, and other YouVersion news messages.

Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys are sometimes conducted by us through YouVersion. You are not obligated to respond to polls or surveys, and you have choices about the information you provide. Because the purpose of these polls and surveys may vary, we will provide details related to the disclosure and use of personal information in relation to any poll or survey prior to you providing any information.

We may use your personal information to investigate, respond to, and resolve legal, security, and technical issues and complaints concerning YouVersion and, as necessary, for security purposes or to investigate possible fraud, violations of law, violations of our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, or attempts to harm oneself or others. We may use your information to contact you about account security, legal, and other service-related issues. Please be aware that you cannot opt-out of receiving such messages from us.


We may use your personal information to provide notice regarding a security incident or data breach, by: (i) sending a message to the email address you provide (as applicable); (ii) posting to a publicly facing page of YouVersion or through an in-app message; (iii) through major statewide media; and/or (iv) telephonic means, including calls and/or text messages, even if sent via automated means including automated dialers. Standard text and data messaging rates may apply from your carrier. Notices sent by email will be effective when we send the email, notices we provide by posting will be effective upon posting and by in-app messaging when the message is made, and notices we provide through telephonic means will be effective when transmitted or dialed. You consent to receiving electronic communications from Life.Church relating to YouVersion and your use and access of the services provided through YouVersion. It is your responsibility to keep your email address and any other contact information you provide to us current so that we may provide these communications to you.

Analytics and Performance.

We internally analyze the personal data available to us and the use of YouVersion content, as well as the inferences we make from that data, to observe social, economic, and geographic trends as they pertain to YouVersion content. In some cases, we work with trusted third parties to perform this research, under controls that are designed to protect your privacy, as discussed below. We may disclose use of YouVersion content in an aggregated manner with de-identified and anonymized information that does not disclose any particular user or that user’s personally-identifying information. For example, we may use your data to generate statistics about overall usage of YouVersion worldwide or in specific geographic regions.

We also use de-identified and aggregate user data to market YouVersion, including communications that promote YouVersion Membership and network growth, such as celebrating the total number of YouVersion installs. When you see stats we share publicly such as global YouVersion engagement, we make sure to analyze and publish the data in an aggregated form, protecting your privacy and keeping your identity and personal information confidential. We use data, including user provided personal information, aggregations of user data, data collected through the use of YouVersion, public feedback, and information inferred from this data to conduct internal research and development in order to provide a better overall YouVersion experience, measure the performance of YouVersion, and increase the use of YouVersion and its features. This is done by making changes to YouVersion that are generally available, as well as sending users messages through YouVersion suggesting YouVersion functionality and content.

Sensitive Data

By downloading and using YouVersion, we do not assume that you are of any particular religious denomination or are expressing to us any particular religious belief; we merely assume that you are interested in the content we provide. We do not require that users provide information about such beliefs to us or provide any other sensitive data such as race, ethnicity, philosophical beliefs, or physical or mental health to use YouVersion or create or maintain a YouVersion Member account. You will have the option with certain YouVersion functionality to create, store, and share thoughts and messages related to YouVersion content, including the option to record and share Prayers. It is your choice whether to provide sensitive information within the User Contributions you create, should it be an option to do so. If you choose to provide any sensitive information, we may use that information with other non-sensitive information you provide to create a more personalized YouVersion experience for you and to perform the services and actions you request through YouVersion, such as sharing or storing content. In any event, Life.Church will only process sensitive data you provide to us for Life.Church’s legitimate activities on your behalf and solely in accordance with the terms of this policy and any additional requests you make about the information. We will also maintain your information subject to appropriate safeguards discussed in this policy and otherwise provided by Life.Church. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Disclosure of Your Information

We do not sell or share your personal data with any third-party advertisers or ad networks for their advertising purposes. We may disclose your personal information to third parties in order to enable our ability to provide YouVersion, as discussed below.

Disclosure on Your Behalf.

We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide as described in this Privacy Policy to fulfill our obligations under our Terms of Use, to accomplish the purpose for which you provide it, for any other purpose you request when you provide the information, or for any other purpose for which we have your consent.

Disclosure by You.

When you share information through YouVersion, that information is viewable by you and by anyone else you choose to share it with. If you give access to your YouVersion account to other applications and services, based on your approval, those services would then have access to your shared information. The use, collection, and protection of your data by such third-party services is subject to those third parties’ policies.

Internal Disclosure.

We will process your personal data internally within Life.Church to help combine the personal information covered across the different aspects of YouVersion and our other products and services to help provide services to you in a manner that is personalized and useful to you and others.

Service Providers.

We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide as described in this Privacy Policy to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use solely to support YouVersion (such as cloud hosting, cookie providers, maintenance, analysis, audit, payment, fraud detection, communication, and development). For example, some of the platforms used to send emails and notifications provided through YouVersion are built and managed by third parties, so some of your information is sent securely to those services to provide such functionality. They will have access to your information only as reasonably necessary to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for other purposes.

YouVersion Content Providers.

We utilize certain third parties to provide certain YouVersion content, such as Bible Plans. We do not share personal information of YouVersion users with these third parties. We do, however, provide these third parties with aggregate analytics concerning the use of their content by country using de-identified and anonymized data.

Our ability to provide different versions of the Bible in different languages is a result of and subject to agreements among us and certain Bible societies and publishers, which we’ll call “YouVersion Bible Providers.” The License Agreements we have with some YouVersion Bible Providers only allow us to provide YouVersion users the ability to download certain Bible texts for offline use if we provide YouVersion Bible Providers with the User’s name, email address, and country for future communication. If this is the case with a text you are seeking to download for offline use, we will (i) only share this information with the YouVersion Bible Provider for the offline version you request; (ii) do so on a confidential basis and only if the YouVersion Bible Provider agrees to keep the information we share about you confidential; and (iii) provide an additional prompt to you as a reminder of these terms, which you must agree to at that time in order to continue with your download. If you do not agree to this additional prompt, you may continue to use the online version of the text. No other personal information of yours will be shared with any YouVersion Bible Providers and no information will be shared until you grant approval to our prompt, which will then give you access to download that offline version. Your interactions with any YouVersion Bible Providers is solely among you and that YouVersion Bible Provider.

It is possible that we will need to disclose information about you when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process. We attempt to notify Users about legal demands for their personal data when appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order or when the request is an emergency. We may dispute such demands when we believe, in our discretion, that the requests are overbroad, vague, or lack proper authority, but we do not promise to challenge every demand. We may also disclose your information if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (ii) enforce our agreements with you; (iii) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; (iv) protect the security or integrity of YouVersion; or (v) exercise or protect the rights and safety of Life.Church, Users, our personnel, or others. We also reserve the right to confidentially disclose personal information we have about you in connection with a potential or actual merger or acquisition such as the sale of all or substantially all of our assets.

Deleting, Accessing, and Correcting Your Information

How to Make Your Requests.

For personal data that we have about you, you may request the following:

  • Deletion

    : You may ask us to erase or delete all or some of your personal data. Please note that doing so may limit your ability to use certain functionality of YouVersion. Please note that an email address is required to have a Member account to ensure we can properly authenticate potential users of that account.
  • Correction/Modification

    : You may edit some of your personal data through your account or ask us to change, update, or fix your data in certain cases, including if it is inaccurate.
  • Object to, or Limit or Restrict, Use of Data

    : You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data or to limit our use of it.
  • Right to Access and/or Take Your Data

    : You can ask us for a copy of or disclosure concerning your personal data you provided to us.

Certain laws may provide the right to make these and additional requests concerning your personal information. If you have provided us with personal information and wish to make such a request under a specific region’s law, please send your request to and include the phrase “[Your State/Country] Privacy Request” in the subject line.

To make these or any other requests with respect to your personal information, you may send an email to or mail your request to Life.Church, attn.: YouVersion Support, 4600 E. 2nd St., Edmond, Oklahoma 73034.

We ask that individuals making requests identify themselves with at least their name, address, and email address and identify the information requested to be accessed, corrected, or removed before we process any requests. We may decline to process requests if we cannot verify the requestor's identity, if we believe the request will jeopardize the privacy of others, if we believe the request would violate any law or legal requirement, if we believe the request would cause the information to be incorrect, or for a similar legitimate purpose.

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under applicable law. We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.

Deleting Your Account.

If you choose to close your account or ask that we modify or delete some or all of your personal information, we will retain your personal data if we have a legal right or obligation to maintain the information or to meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our rights, or fulfill any other requests from you (for example, to opt-out of further messages or for a copy of your data). Otherwise, if you request that we close your account, we will delete your account and all the information we have that is associated with your account, except for aggregated statistics based on de-identified information and inferences we make from the same. We will also retain our aggregate count of the number of total YouVersion applications downloaded, which would include the fact that you downloaded YouVersion, without maintaining personal information associated with that account.

We have no control of information you have shared with others through YouVersion after you close your account or asked to delete information or attempted to delete your account yourself. Your information and content you have shared may continue to be displayed in the services of others (for example, search engine results) until they refresh their cache.

Security and Protection

We implement security safeguards designed to protect your data. These include using encryption for your data while it is being transmitted between your device or browser and our servers and while it is at rest. Data provided to us through YouVersion is also stored in an ISO 27017-certified infrastructure management system, meaning it has been audited and found in compliance with the requirements of the management system standards ISO 27017, an internationally recognized code of practice for information security controls for cloud services.

However, given the nature of communications and information technology, and that the use of the internet has inherent risks, although we regularly monitor for possible vulnerabilities and attacks, we cannot warrant or guarantee that information provided to us through YouVersion or stored in our systems or otherwise will be absolutely free from unauthorized intrusion by others, nor can we warrant or guarantee that such data may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.

Children Under the Age of 16

We do not collect personal information from any person we actually know is under the age of 16 without the consent of the parent or legal guardian of that minor.

A parent or guardian may consent to the use of their YouVersion account by a minor on that parent or guardian’s primary profile or a secondary profile of the parent/guardian’s account in the platform known as the Bible App for Kids. Should you allow your minor child to use your account (whether through your profile or a Bible App for Kids profile), you shall be solely responsible for providing supervision of the minor’s use of YouVersion and assume full responsibility for the interpretation and use of any information or suggestions provided through YouVersion.

To create a secondary profile, you will be required to access your account with your User information and will have sole control over that Bible App for Kids profile. We do not require that you disclose any personally-identifiable information about your minor child to us to create a Bible App for Kids profile. When setting up a profile for your minor child, you are required to provide a “Child’s Name” to identify the account; however, this name can be whatever you choose and you are not required to provide your minor child’s actual first or last name.

Where you associate your minor child’s information with your account, we will assume you consent to our processing of that information in accordance with this policy and other privacy notices and terms we may provide to you from time to time. If you allow your minor child to use YouVersion, we ask that you discuss the risks of sharing personal information on the Internet with your children and require that they refrain from communicating with any third parties or share any personal information with YouVersion or YouVersion users. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 16, please contact us at

Processing of Data

We will only collect and process personal data about you where we have lawful bases. Lawful bases include consent (where you have given consent), contract, and other legitimate interests. Such legitimate interests include protection to you, us, other Members, and third parties; to comply with applicable law; to enable and administer our business; to manage corporate transactions; to generally understand and improve our internal processes and user relationships; and to enable us and other users of YouVersion to connect with you to exchange information, provided that the foregoing adequately protects your rights and freedoms.

Where we rely on your consent to process personal data, you may withdraw or decline your consent and where we rely on legitimate interests, you may object. If you have any questions about the lawful bases upon which we collect and use your personal data, please contact us at

Third Party Information Collection

Please keep in mind that YouVersion may contain links to other websites or apps. You are responsible for reviewing the privacy statements and policies of those other websites you choose to link to or from YouVersion, so that you can understand how those websites collect, use, and store your information. We are not responsible for the privacy statements, policies, or content of other websites or apps, including websites you link to or from YouVersion. Websites containing co-branding (referencing our name and a third party’s name) contain content delivered by the third party and not us.

If you choose to link YouVersion with other websites, applications, and services or profiles you have with third party applications, you will provide the personal data stored on those applications to Life.Church. For example, you may start a new YouVersion Membership account by linking your Facebook account to YouVersion, providing personal information you have opted to share through Facebook to Life.Church. You may revoke the link with such accounts and third-party applications by modifying your settings with those applications.

Users from Outside the United States

YouVersion is based out of Oklahoma within the United States and your use of YouVersion and this Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Oklahoma. If you are using YouVersion from outside this state or country, please be aware that your information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States where our servers are located and our central database is operated. We process data both inside and outside of the United States and rely on contractual commitments between us and companies transferring personal data that require the protection and security of such data. The data protection and other laws of the State of Oklahoma, the United States, and other countries might not be as comprehensive as those in your state or country. By using YouVersion, you consent to your information being transferred to our facilities and to the facilities of those third parties with whom we share it with, as described in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices. Life.Church is consistently seeking new and improved ways to offer YouVersion and increase engagement. As we improve YouVersion, this may mean the collection of new data or new ways to use data. Because YouVersion is dynamic, and we continuously seek to offer new features, we may require changes in our collection or processing of information. If we collect materially different personal data or materially change how we use your data, we will update this Privacy Policy.

We will post any changes to our Privacy Policy on this page. If we make material changes to how we process our users’ personal information, we will provide a notice that the Privacy Policy has been updated. The date the Privacy Policy was last modified is identified at the beginning of the Policy. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices, you may contact us at: Life.Church, Attn.: YouVersion Support, 4600 E. 2nd St., Edmond, Oklahoma 73034; or at