Jadilah Pembawa DamaiSampel
Introduce Peace
Life can get really busy sometimes with hectic schedules, financial pressures, and various commitments, so much so that it can be easy to allow that busyness to crush the real meaning of why we exist. So let’s pause (selah), take a breath, and bring perspective.
You are a carrier of joy, laughter, life and ultimately, peace. Colossians 3:15 tells us, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful”.
Today, why don't you try tapping into the deep well of our Father? Take time to stop, consider what God has done in your life, and then bring that life to others!
Sounds easier said than done though, right? Well, why not take a minute right now?
Just stop, breathe, thank God for who He is, and then begin looking outside of yourself. Think, who in your world might need a boost, a kind word of encouragement, a smile, a hug?
If you now have someone in mind, don’t delay! Reach out of yourself, and reach out to someone now. Because sharing Jesus and sharing His peace is simply a way of gaining perspective from the Father and sharing that with others. It’s not a one-off or occasional occurrence, it’s daily.
You are a carrier of God’s light and peace, everywhere you go, every day. So now go, and show Him to the world!
Firman Tuhan, Alkitab
Tentang Rencana ini
Menjadi penjaga perdamaian bukanlah yang menuntun pada kedamaian sejati karena pasukan perdamaian memberikan rasa damai yang palsu melalui menghindar dari masalah. Namun, sebagai orang Kristen, Anda memiliki hubungan yang paling erat dengan kedamaian sejati, yaitu Yesus. Anda adalah pembawa damai - jembatan antara teman dan keluarga Anda, dan Yesus! Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk membongkar konflik dan merekonsiliasi orang-orang dengan Yesus. Temukan strategi ini dalam rencana Alkitab Pembawa Damai kami hari ini.
Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada yesHEis untuk menyediakan rencana ini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi: https://www.yesheis.com/