Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Upサンプル

Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Up

28日中 22日

Giving Up

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7

The late Kobe Bryant is considered one of the greatest basketball players ever. In his drive to become the best, he reportedly slept only about four hours each night. He said, “There’s a choice that we have to make as people, as individuals. If you want to be great at something . . . there are sacrifices that come along with that.” 

Sacrifice helps us to accomplish not only our major life and career goals but also contributes to our hopes of pleasing God. 

When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, instead of questioning Him, Abraham prepared to do as God called him to do. As he was about to slay his son, an angel of God stopped him and said, “‘Do not lay a hand on the boy,’ . . . ‘Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son” (Genesis 22:12). Abraham honored God’s command to sacrifice what he had waited so many decades to receive, the son Sarah had born, the child of the promise Abraham cared so much about. God saw Abraham’s heart of faith and blessed him. 

Although God asked Abraham to sacrifice something he treasured, God didn’t leave him hanging. God provided a ram to sacrifice in the place of Isaac. We can be comforted by the fact that God always has our backs. Anything that we sacrifice for His will can be restored and is small in comparison to what God has provided for us. —Nia Caldwell

What sacrifices are you making right now in order to obey God?

Dear God, I don’t want to miss out on what You have planned for me due to my inability to give things up. Open my heart to give what You call me to so that I can live according to Your truth. 

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Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Up

Celebrate Hope: Looking Back, Stepping Up is an invitation to find where God has been present with us in difficult days long past and where God is present with us now. Certainly God has been our help in ‘ages past,’ and God remains ‘our hope for years to come.’ Celebrate Hope provides us with this needed reminder and offers us the strength to carry on.
