Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Upサンプル

Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Up

28日中 23日

Trusting in Uncertain Days

We live by faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7 

Uncertainty has been paying me unfriendly visits lately, bringing fear, anxiety, and a lack of hope, and leaving me feeling empty. As I worked on finishing my junior year of college amid a pandemic, there has been a lot of room for “Ms. Uncertainty.” The possible end of my internship, cancellation of the rugby season, and my senior year requiring remote attendance—all of this haunted me. Then I reflected and realized my faith was lacking.

When we have faith amid uncertainty, we can experience hope and peace. I decided to put my full trust in God and pray about those situations I cannot control. In Philippians 4, Paul wrote to Christian believers, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” He wrote about the promise of Christ’s strength and help in times of suffering, reminding believers to pray, focus on God’s promises—and remain joyful (v. 6). We don’t need to be anxious about any situation when we relay our worries to God in full prayer and praise.

Faith puts our worries about uncertainties in the hand of God. He is the only one who knows how the future will play out. Faith changed my mind, and I came to the agreement that God will decide when troubles will end. I could be at peace knowing all God has in store will come.—Donya Robinson 

What are you uncertain about in your life? How will having faith help? 

God, give me the courage to walk by faith and not by sight in this time of uncertainty. You are the Creator of time, who placed me in the universe. You know the plans You have for me and promise that all things work for the good of those who love You.

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Celebrating Hope: Looking Back Stepping Up

Celebrate Hope: Looking Back, Stepping Up is an invitation to find where God has been present with us in difficult days long past and where God is present with us now. Certainly God has been our help in ‘ages past,’ and God remains ‘our hope for years to come.’ Celebrate Hope provides us with this needed reminder and offers us the strength to carry on.
