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Genesis 13

1Therefore Abram ascended from Egypt, he, and his wife, and all things that he had; and Lot went with him, to the south coast.
2Forsooth he was full rich in possessions of silver, and of gold.
3And he turned again by the way in which he came from the south into Bethel, till to the place, in which before he had set a tabernacle, betwixt Bethel and Hai,
4in the place of the altar which he made before, and inwardly called there the name of the Lord.
5But also flocks of sheep, and droves of oxen, and tabernacles were to Lot, that was with Abram;
6and the land might not take them, that they should dwell together, for the cattle of them was much, and they might not dwell in common.
7Wherefore also strife was made betwixt the keepers of [the] flocks of Abram and of Lot. Forsooth Canaanites and Perizzites dwelled in that land in that time.
8Therefore Abram said to Lot, I beseech thee, that no strife be betwixt me and thee, and betwixt my shepherds and thy shepherds; for we be brethren.
9Lo! all the land is before thee, I beseech, depart thou from me; if thou go to the left side, I shall hold the right side; if thou choose the right side, I shall go to the left side.
10And so Lot raised [up] his eyes, and saw about all the country of Jordan, which was all-moisted, before that the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, as paradise of the Lord, and as Egypt, as men come into Zoar.
11And Lot chose to him the country about Jordan, and departed from the east; and they were parted each from his brother.
12Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan; soothly Lot dwelled in [the] towns about Jordan, and abode in Sodom.
13Forsooth men of Sodom were full wicked, and sinners greatly before the Lord.
14And the Lord said to Abram, after that Lot was parted from him, Raise [up] thine eyes forthright, and see from the place in which thou art now, to the north and south, to the east and west;
15I shall give all the land which thou seest to thee, and to thy seed, till into without end.
16And I shall make thy seed as the dust of the earth; if any man may number the dust of the earth, also he shall be able to number thy seed.
17Therefore rise thou, and pass through the land in his length and breadth, for I shall give it to thee.
18Therefore Abram, moving his tabernacle, came and dwelled beside the valley of Mamre, which is in Hebron; and he builded there an altar to the Lord.

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Genesis 13: WBMS

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