Moments for Mums: Refuge - Part 2Sampel

Moments for Mums: Refuge - Part 2


It’s hard to find time to spend in God’s word isn’t it?

Sometimes we want to run away for a bit of peace and quiet. But where can you go? You know you won’t get far before someone calls, ‘Mum! Where are you?’

We’ve all tried the escape to the bathroom trick, only to find a toddler sitting right outside the door.

True refuge CAN be found in God’s word, which we can take with us anywhere. Here’s a few ideas of how you can take God’s word with you, to give you refuge…

1.Tune your radio to a Christian one (or make a Spotify playlist)

2.Use your audio Bible as a sleep wind down

3.Keep a Bible or devotion book in the toilet

What will you do this week to spend time in God’s Word?

Lord, I want to spend time with you, but it’s hard! Help me find ways to do it, in the busyness of my life. Amen.

Hari 2

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Moments for Mums: Refuge - Part 2

We long for refuge from the stress, uncertainty and conflict that life throws our way. God offers us refuge. Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia.


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