Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com LUCAS 1:53
Advent Adoration by Vertical Worship
4 Days
The Christmas story is the story of how God intervened in history through the birth of Jesus. The lives of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds were utterly changed by this event. They found hope, love, peace, and joy; join the team from Vertical Worship as we remember together how, through Jesus, we can find these too.
The Christmas Story
5 Days
The story of Christ's birth is central to our celebration of Christmas. This reading plan chronicles the humble beginnings of a Savior the world had been anticipating for centuries. This short collection of readings connects us to the arrival of Emmanuel, a God who is with us.
Devocional De Natal (Hillsong Portugal)
6 dias
Um devocional de Natal inspirador, centrado em Jesus, que conta a história do nascimento da Esperança do mundo.
Ana, Confiando Os Seus Problemas a Deus
9 Dias
O primeiro livro de Samuel regista a história de Ana, uma mulher israelita. As circunstâncias da sua vida eram humilhantes e desmoralizantes. Mas a Bíblia retrata-a como uma mulher exemplar e temente a Deus. Este plano de leitura aborda a história de vida de Ana como um exemplo para as nossas vidas. Leia connosco!
Meditations On The Gospel Of Luke For The Family
21 Days
How can you celebrate your family—a sanctuary of love and life? Sign up for a 21-day Lectio Divina devotional and journey through the Gospel of Luke with your family or community. As you listen to God’s Word, and meditate on stories of hope and healing, allow the sacred Scriptures to transform your understanding of God’s unconditional love.
Advent: The Journey to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is truly the greatest story ever told: one of God’s perfect faithfulness, power, salvation, and unfailing love. Let’s take a journey over the next 25 days to discover God’s intricate plan to save the world from sin and the promises fulfilled in the birth of His Son.
30 Dias
Testemunhas oculares contam as boas novas que Lucas conta sobre a história de Jesus desde o nascimento até a morte e até a ressurreição; Lucas também reconta Seus ensinamentos que mudaram o mundo. Viaje diariamente por Lucas enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.