He Was Born For This - Preparing For Christmas Series #3Exemplo

Messiah would be a Sacrifice for Sin
Thoughts on the Passage
The Messiah came to die for broken creation. It was an amazing promise and an amazing act of grace to a weak and needy people. Still, God promised to send the Messiah to die. In Isaiah we see the cost of this promise:
- He was pierced…
- He was crushed…
- He was beaten…
- He was whipped…
- He was oppressed...
- He took all our punishment…
While we were sinners, Christ [the Messiah] died for us. God promised it, God made the provision so it would happen and Jesus fulfilled it. Now we are free from our broken past.
Time to Pray
Father, thank you so much for a Messiah who was willing to pay the price for our redemption. The cost was too great for us to pay. The cost could only be paid by Him and He willingly paid it for us because of His love for us. Thank you so much for making this available to us. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Sobre este plano

God prepared the world for Jesus the Messiah right from the very beginning. He made sure His world knew ahead of time that the Messiah was coming. This is 3 of 3 devotionals that give the prophetic pronouncements of the Messiah – and how they were fulfilled. This devotional shows the prophecies of Jesus that give His mission and that He was “born for this."