Through Prophet Isaiah: Discovering Deeper TruthExemplo

Day One: Listening to God
In the Old Testament, God spoke only to a chosen few like Noah, Abraham, David, and Solomon. Moses heard Yahweh’s voice and witnessed His presence in the form of a burning bush. Months later, the people of Israel experienced Yahweh as a pillar of fire and cloud, but after they arrived in the Promised Land, God spoke through judges and prophets.
Isaiah was one of those prophets. He spoke Yahweh’s words to the hard-hearted King Ahaz of Judah, challenging him to ask for a sign. Why would God offer to prove Himself to a wicked king? Maybe for the same reason he pursued me—and you. Yahweh seeks relationship with us. But King Ahaz refused, and Judah suffered.
New Testament Listening
Since Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, we no longer need a prophet to speak for God. Jesus told his disciples in that He would send the His Holy Spirit to become our Advocate, Counselor, and Comforter. The Book of Acts records the Holy Spirit’s coming to the early Church, and the same powerful presence is available to every Christ-follower today.
· Why is it so difficult to hear God speak today?
Hebrews says some people don’t hear God’s voice because of their hardened hearts—because they “have not known [God’s] ways.” Wasn’t Yahweh trying to show Ahaz His ways by showing him a sign? To know a person’s ways requires time and building relationship.
Our God pursues relationship rather than simply offering a yes or no in response to our hurried prayers. He continually speaks to us: through life’s ups and downs, through other relationships, through prayer, and reading the Bible.
Dashed Expectations
But what happens when God doesn’t meet our expectations? Sometimes disappointment can turn our hearts to stone. Perhaps the greatest tragedy of all is when God beckons in the midst of our difficulties—but we’re too angry or discouraged to hear Him.
The good news is: God continues to pursue relationship even when our hearts become hard. Jesus tells us He only disciplines those He loves, and He assures us He stands at the door of your heart, knocking and eager to enter. Keep listening, friends. Our God still speaks, and He wants a personal relationship with you.
· Is our inability to hear ever greater than God’s power to be heard?
Fuel for the Soul:
- Isaiah 7:1-17
- John 15:26-16:15
- Hebrews 3:7-10
- Revelation 3:19-20
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Mesu Andrews, award winning and best selling author, examines the the truths found the book of Isaiah and New Testament authors, encouraging the reader to discover what it means to listen, to obey, to wait, to cry out, to worship, to confess and to seek more of God. Discover how Isaiah, kings of Old and the words of Jesus can invite you to deeper intimacy with the Lord.